The 1978 STURP Team

Editor's Note: The organization listed after each researcher's name is the one he or she was affiliated with in 1978, at the time of the investigation.

Investigators for the Shroud of Turin Research Project (STURP) include:

  1. Joseph S. Accetta, Lockheed Corporation* - Infrared spectroscopy
  2. Steven Baumgart, U.S. Air Force Weapons Laboratories* - Infrared spectral measurements
  3. John D. German, U.S. Air Force Weapons Laboratories* - Technical support for all experiments
  4. Ernest H. Brooks II, Brooks Institute of Photography* - Scientific photography (Deceased)
  5. Mark Evans, Brooks Institute of Photography* - Microphotography, photomicroscopy
  6. Vernon D. Miller, Brooks Institute of Photography* - Scientific photography (Deceased)
  7. Robert Bucklin, Harris County,Texas, Medical Examiner's Office -Medical, forensics (Deceased)
  8. Donald Devan, Oceanographic Services Inc.* - Scientific photography, image analysis (Deceased)
  9. Rudolph J. Dichtl, University of Colorado* - Technical support of all experiments
  10. Robert Dinegar, Los Alamos National Scientific Laboratories* - Chemistry, tape sample removal/analysis (Deceased)
  11. Donald Janney, Los Alamos National Scientific Laboratories* - Image analysis
  12. Joan Janney Rogers, Los Alamos National Scientific Laboratories* - Technical support
  13. J. Ronald London, Los Alamos National Scientific Laboratories* - X-ray radiography and X-ray fluorescence (Deceased)
  14. Roger A. Morris, Los Alamos National Scientific Laboratories* - X-ray fluorescence (Deceased)
  15. Raymond N. Rogers, Los Alamos National Scientific Laboratories* - Chemistry, tape sample removal/analysis (Deceased)
  16. Larry Schwalbe, Los Alamos National Scientific Laboratories - Physics, X-ray fluorescence (Deceased)
  17. Diane Soran, Los Alamos National Scientific Laboratories - Chemistry, Archaeology (Deceased)
  18. Kenneth E. Stevenson, IBM* - Public relations
  19. Al Adler, Western Connecticut State University - Biochemist, tape sample analysis (Deceased)
  20. Thomas F. D'Muhala, Nuclear Technology Corporation* - Logistics (Deceased)
  21. Jim Drusik, Los Angeles County Museum - Conservation
  22. Joseph Gambescia, St. Agnes Medical Center - Medical analysis (Deceased)
  23. Roger Gilbert, Oriel Corporation* - Visible/UV spectroscopy (Deceased)
  24. Marty Gilbert, Oriel Corporation* - Visible/UV spectroscopy
  25. Thomas Haverty, Rocky Mountain Thermograph* - Thermography
  26. John Heller, New England Institute - Biophysics (Deceased)
  27. John P. Jackson, U.S. Air Force Academy* - STURP President, measurements/analysis
  28. Eric J. Jumper, U.S. Air Force Academy* - STURP Vice-president, measurements/analysis
  29. Jean Lorre, Jet Propulsion Laboratory* - Image analysis (Deceased)
  30. Donald J. Lynn, Jet Propulsion Laboratory* - Image analysis (Deceased)
  31. Robert William (Bill) Mottern, Sandia National Laboratory* - Image analysis, X-ray radiography (Deceased)
  32. Samuel Pellicori, Santa Barbara Research Center* - Visible/UV spectroscopy
  33. Barrie M. Schwortz, Barrie Schwortz Studios* - Documentation Photography

Note: The researchers marked with an * participated directly in the 1978 Examination in Turin. All others are STURP research members who worked with the data or samples after the team returned to the United States.

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