Science, Theology and the Turin Shroud
International Shroud Conference
Redeemer University College
Ancaster, Ontario, Canada
August 14-17, 2019
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You can now order Science, Theology and the Turin Shroud: Edited papers from the 2019 International Conference, a 382 page paperback, directly from the publisher at this link.
An international Shroud conference titled, Science, Theology and the Turin Shroud was held on Wednesday, August 14, 2019 to Saturday, August 17, 2019, at Redeemer University in Ancaster, Ontario, Canada. The event was sponsored by the Arthur C. Custance Centre for Science and Christianity, Mark Antonacci and the Test the Shroud Foundation and organized by long time Shroud scholar Dr. Gary Chiang, professor emeritus at the university. More than 70 registrants attended the event and speakers came from the USA (8 states), Canada, Mexico, Costa Rica, France, Spain, and the UK. Unfortunately, the event started on a very sad note when we received word that one of the scheduled speakers, Tony Fleming, had passed away the day before he was to depart for the conference from his home in Victoria, Australia.
In spite of this sad news, the event went on as planned and featured presentations by many well known Shroud scholars. Also attending and making one of the keynote presentations was noted Shroud skeptic, Joe Nickell. The conference was very well organized and stayed on schedule throughout the entire event, which was appreciated by all the attendees. I think everyone agreed that the meals were absolutely superb and a real credit to the organizers. The only criticism voiced by the attendees was that so many papers were accepted, two presentations had to be made simultaneously in two adjoining lecture halls to accommodate them all within the three day event. This made it impossible to hear more than 50% of what was presented and often forced attendees to choose between two interesting topics. Although the organizers were very generous in accepting a broad range of papers, a more rigid screening process would have eliminated the need for simultaneous presentations. Still, many excellent papers were presented and in every other way the conference was a great success. The Custance Centre will publish a book based on the conference and all speakers have been invited to submit papers to be considered for that publication.
All of the conference presentation topics are listed on this page and links are included for all that were available as we went to press. Also included are links to all the available abstracts (reprinted from the program booklet distributed at the conference), photos, PowerPoint presentations and video clips and we will add any additional materials as they become available. Please note that in some cases, presentations have been updated or titles changed and may be different than in the original abstract. Wherever possible, we have included links to the latest versions. Note that some links are to papers that are available on other websites (like, etc.). The presentations are listed below in as close as possible to the actual order in which they were presented at the conference, remembering that two presentations were being given simultaneously throughout the event (except during the keynote presentations) and that each individual topic was limited to 20 minutes. Consequently, you will find multiple topics listed for some of the speakers who made several presentations on different topics. In addition, due to unforseen circumstances, some last minute rescheduling was required during the event which impacted the order of the presentations. Click on the linked name of any person on the page to see a high quality photo of that presenter. All photographs are ©2019 STERA, Inc. unless otherwise noted.
WEDNESDAY, August 14, 2019 --- THURSDAY, August 15, 2019 --- FRIDAY, August 16, 2019 --- SATURDAY, August 17, 2019 --- POSTERS --- VIDEO INTERVIEWS
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
CSI Jerusalem: The Case of the Missing Body - (Keynote Presentation) - by Russ Breault (USA)
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Reasons why the Shroud is not authentic - (Keynote Presentation) - by Joe Nickell (USA)
The blood on the Shroud of Turin: Species Unknown (Paper) - Abstract - PowerPoint Presentation - by Kelly Kearse (USA)
Hemolysis, bilirubin, and the colour of the bloodstains on the Shroud (Paper) - Abstract - PowerPoint Presentation
Blood clotting, serum halo rings and the bloodstains on the Shroud (Paper) - Abstract - PowerPoint PresentationSpirituality and the Shroud (Paper) - Abstract - by Mark Oxley (Zimbabwe) - Read by Joe Marino
The divine light and the Shroud of Turin (Paper) - Abstract
Walking a fine line between Science and Faith (Paper) - AbstractThe Shroud of Turin and Nuclear Physics: Why the Radio Carbon Dating is Proof of the Resurrection (Paper) - Abstract - by Jeffrey Skurka and Catherine Osborn (USA)
The Vision of King Abgar in Eusebius Considered as the Shroud of Turin (Paper) - Abstract - by John Loken (USA)
The Beirut icon and the Shroud (Paper) - Abstract - by César Barta, Pedro Sabe and José Manuel Orenga (Spain) - Read by Barrie Schwortz
The Shroud of Turin and Oxford University (Paper - Updated Version) - Abstract - by Pam Moon (UK)
Three treasures of Constantinople may bear witness to the Shroud: The Holy Blood of Bruges, the Madrid Skylitzes, and the Limburg Staurotheke (Paper - Updated Version) - AbstractA Sculpture Created by Converting the Shroud Image into Three Dimensions using Light and Shadows: The Method (Paper) - Abstract - by Teresa Newman (USA) - [Editor's Note: Here are links to Full Length and Close-Up photographs of Teresa's sculpture. The circular opening above the head is for a removable light fixture used when the sculpture is being displayed].
Demonstration of the Distortions of the Image, Conditions of the Body and Bloodstain Misplacements - AbstractThe Shroud of Turin and the Holy Fire of Jerusalem (Paper) - Abstract - by Patrick Lublink (Canada)
Testing the Shroud and Sudarium at the molecular and atomic levels - Abstract - Video (22:18) - by Mark Antonacci (USA)
Evidence from the Tibetan Buddhist culture suggests that the resurrection may be a natural event (Paper) - Abstract - by Tom Devins (USA)
Radiocarbon dating of the Turin Shroud: Lessons from failure (PowerPoint Presentation) - Abstract - by Tristan Casabianca (France)
Strange Quark Matter in the Image on the Shroud of Turin (Paper) - PowerPoint Presentation - Abstract - by Jose Carlos Espriella Godinez (Mexico)
Converting radiocarbon decay to calendar dates. Why the Shroud may date from 1260 to 1280, but not from 1340 - (Paper) - Abstract - by Hugh Farey (UK)
The Invisible Reweave and Other Challenges to the Turin Shroud's C-14 Medieval Dating: A Review (PowerPoint Text - Updated Title) - (Keynote Presentation) - PowerPoint Slides - Video Part 1 (44:37) - Video Part 2 (1:03:24) - by Joe Marino (USA)
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Friday, August 16, 2019
Holistic Solution to the Mysteries of the Shroud of Turin (Keynote Presentation - Paper) - PowerPoint Slides - PowerPoint Narration - by Robert (Bob) Rucker (USA)
Photographic film and process techniques used by Giuseppe Enrie to capture the 1931 images of the Shroud: Part 1, Capturing the image (Paper) - Abstract - PowerPoint Slides - by Giorgio Bracaglia (USA)
Part 2, Some considerations when using reproduction images - AbstractThe Veil of Veronica: From Concealment to Revelation (Paper) - Abstract - PowerPoint Presentation - by Mary-Catharine Carroll (Canada)
John Calvin's Treatise on the Shroud of Turin (Paper) - Abstract - by Patrick Lublink (Canada)
Image Processing Applied to UV Photo which Includes the Radiocarbon Test Area (Paper) - Abstract - by Thomas McAvoy (USA)
A comparison of “Christ the Teacher” a statue at the Chartres Cathedral with the Turin Shroud raises interesting question of the Shroud’s history (Paper) - Abstract - by Jean-Pierre Laude (France)
Explaining how the new Christian theology, the Universal Christ, as posited by the Franciscan Order of the Catholic Church, feeds off of the Tibetan phenomenon: Rainbow body and emerging Christian theology (Informal Gathering) - by Tom Devins (USA) - Under the guiding hand of the Roman Catholic Franciscan Order, a new theology is emerging. The new wave focuses on the kingdom within and rids of the notion of a punitive God as well as the need for priestly intermediaries, elaborate ritual and palatial churches in the path to salvation. Called The Universal Christ, the new theology resonates with Shroud radiation theory and the Tibetan Buddhist mystical death traditions.
Analysis of UV Photographs of the Shroud of Turin (Paper) [Original title: An approach to analyzing Vern Miller’s uv photos that overcomes uneven illumination and shows how the entire Shroud fluoresces] (Informal Gathering) - Abstract - by Thomas McAvoy (USA) - [Editor's Note: A revised version of this paper was accepted and published in the journal Applied Optics on August 29, 2019].
Unveiling the Shroud of Turin: 1) Looking beyond pareidolia (Paper) - Abstract - by Eva Kiszti (Costa Rica)
2) Examples of captured images - AbstractFurther Discussion - by Robert Rucker and Mark Antonacci (USA) - Mark Antonacci will discuss the equipment and technologies to be used in future research on the Shroud and Sudarium to develop full characterization of these cloths at the atomic and molecular levels. Bob Rucker's presentation is titled, Understanding the 1988 Carbon Dating of the Shroud (Paper) - PowerPoint Slides - Powerpoint Narration - and discusses his solution to the carbon dating problem for the Shroud.
- Quantum Properties of the DNA Molecule and Formation of the Superficial Body Image of Christ on the Shroud of Turin (Paper) - Abstract - by Jeffrey Skurka and Catherine Osborn (USA)
The Shroud of Turin Research Project 1978 Scientific Examination of the Shroud (PowerPoint Presentation) - (Keynote Presentation) - by Barrie Schwortz (USA)
Saturday, August 17, 2019
3D Information in the Fields of Bioenergetics and Quantum Theory (PowerPoint Text) - PowerPoint Slides - Abstract - by Joe Marino and Sue Benford (USA)
Empirical Findings Suggesting Comparability Among the Turin Shroud, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and QuantaGraphy (PowerPoint Text) - PowerPoint Slides - AbstractThe Shroud of Turin and the VP-8 Image Analyzer (Paper) - Abstract - by Janis Winchester (USA)
Why We Can See the Image on the Shroud (Paper) - Abstract - PowerPoint Slides - PowerPoint Narration - by Robert (Bob) Rucker (USA)
How the Image Was Formed on the Shroud (Paper) - Abstract - PowerPoint Slides - PowerPoint NarrationHypothesis Regarding Various Aspects of the Passion of Jesus (Paper) - Abstract - by Cathy Jarrett (USA)
My Personal Experiences with the Shroud, the Holy Spirit, and my Return to Christ: A harvested soul shares her unique shroud experience - Abstract - by Kristy Moore (USA)
Are There Veiled References to the Shroud of Turin in the New Testament? (An Exegetical Summary of Select Texts) (Revised Paper and Title) - Revised Abstract - by Larry Stalley (USA)
[Editor's Note: This is a revised version of the paper that was originally presented at the conference and is a summary paper based on four, more detailed papers. For those who might wish to explore this topic further, we are including the source papers here]:
The Crucified Christ Seen by the Galatians: A Literal Context for(Galatians 3.1) (Abstract and Paper)
Early Christians Identified Jesus’ Shroud With His Royal & Priestly Robe! (Abstract and Paper)
The Image on the Turin Shroud Is “The Sign of Jonah” For Our Generation! (Abstract and Paper)
“He Saw and Believed!” Is the Shroud of Turin in the Background of John’s Resurrection Narrative? (John 20:1-10) (Abstract and Paper)The Vignon Markings, according to Paul Vignon himself (Paper) - Abstract - by Hugh Farey (UK)
Misinterpreting the results of the 1988 radiocarbon dating - by Jeffrey Skurka and Catherine Osborn (USA)
Re-examining the record: a contextual examination of the letter of Pope Innocent III (Paper) - Abstract - by Dr. Cheryl White and the Very Rev. Peter B. Mangum (USA)
The archives of Father Andre-Marie Dubarle reveal the development of the thesis of the Sainte-Chapelle of Paris (PowerPoint Text) - PowerPoint Slides - Abstract - by Mario Latendresse (USA) - Read by Tristan Casabianca
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In addition to the papers that were presented at the conference, the organizers also accepted a number of Posters from researchers. These were not presented at the conference and in some cases, the authors did not attend the event. Instead, these were submitted and reviewed by the organizers and those that were accepted were printed and displayed at the conference. Here are those that were accepted and displayed:
A Peculiar Number and Sign or 13 13s (Poster PDF) - Poster Abstract - by Stephen and Nancy Bolettieri (USA)
The Development of Three Marys Iconography (Poster PDF) - Poster Abstract - by Hugh Farey (UK)
Light and Love: Old and New Testament passages in relation to the Shroud of Turin (Poster PDF) - Poster Abstract - by Pam Moon (UK) - Updated Description: This poster looks at themes of Light, Love and the Temple of God, again from New and Old Testament sources. They are very Christian in their representation of Jesus as the Christ. The biblical passages on light reflect some of the current thinking on image formation - for example Paolo di Lazarro and Robert Rucker's both argue that the image was created by some form of light. The construct of light is borne out by numerous passages the New Testament; I haven't even touched on Transfiguration. However, the nature of that light is beyond our comprehension .Love is central to the Gospel message of Christ and again I have only touched on the surface of a couple of key texts - there are multiple passages. Jesus spoke of himself as the Temple of God. He paralleled his death and resurrection with the temple in Jerusalem. In Shroud terms this centres mainly around the flow of blood and water from the pierced side. It seemed appropriate to allude to that as a subject area of study for the Shroud.
The Passion of Jesus Christ (Injuries of Jesus) (Poster PDF) - This poster tells the story of the Passion of Jesus using New Testament passages and prophetic texts for the Old Testament. The Shroud illuminates the New Testament and the Suffering Servant prophecies, highlighting injuries which are not well known.Cosmology, Sacred Geometry and the Shroud Image (JPEG Image) - Poster Abstract - by Catherine Osborn and Jeffrey Skurka (USA)
Mark Antonacci and his Test the Shroud Foundation (one of the sponsors of the event), was thoughtful enough to bring in Ricardo Garza of Crossover Media, LLC, to shoot some video of the proceedings. Due to logistical limitations, only a few of the presentations were videotaped in their entirety during the event and we have included links to the full length videos that are available with the appropriate presentations above. However, Ricardo also spent some time shooting brief interviews with some of the speakers and guests at the conference, so I thought it would be great to include them here as a bonus for our viewers. Ricardo plans to add more videos in the future and we will update this page with any new additions as soon as they occur. Here are the links:
- Video Interview with Keynote Presenter Joe Nickell - (2:21)
- Video Interview with Presenter Georgio Bracaglia - (3:15)
- Video Interview with Keynote Presenter Russ Breault - (3:13)
- Video Interview with Presenter Kelly Kearse - (4:47)
- Video Interview with Guest Fr. Terry Donahue - (7:03)
WEDNESDAY, August 14, 2019 --- THURSDAY, August 15, 2019 --- FRIDAY, August 16, 2019 --- SATURDAY, August 17, 2019 --- POSTERS --- VIDEO INTERVIEWS
All materials on this page are copyrighted to the individual researchers. Access to this site does not grant any rights to copy, publish, sell, license or distribute any included materials, in any form or media, without the expressed written permission of the individual copyright holders. Editorial opinions expressed herein are solely those of the respective authors.