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About Rex Morgan
From September 1980 until December 2001, Australian education pioneer, writer and broadcaster Rex Morgan published 118 issues of Shroud News, a publication initially intended to spread the word of the Shroud in Australia, but which included many important papers and articles and ultimately reached worldwide distribution, making Rex one of the best known names in the Shroud world. In fact, Father Peter Rinaldi referred to Rex as "Australia's Number One apostle of the Shroud." Rex toured an extensive Shroud photographic exhibition throughout Australia and New Zealand and to Hong Kong and Macau in the 1980's. He also conducted his own research and became a familiar face and an important voice at every major Shroud conference around the world. So we are very proud that Rex has graciously allowed us to include Shroud News here on!
Our initial idea was to publish only selections from each issue, but after closer examination, we decided that publishing them in their entirety was of greater historical value. Even though some of the items are dated or more locally oriented, they provide a fascinating perspective on the Shroud world at that period in its history (from the STURP era through the radiocarbon dating and into the 21st century). Once again, this is only possible thanks to the tireless efforts of Stephen E. Jones, who has once again volunteered to do all the scanning and optical character recognition work and to Ian Wilson, who provided Stephen with valuable input and all of the original issues. As the issues are generally brief, we are publishing each one as a single pdf file. Please be sure to read the accompanying article, About Rex Morgan for more about the man behind Shroud News.
If you know the specific issue you wish to view you may select it here. An additional navigation bar is located at the bottom of this page for your convenience.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [Index #1-25] [26] [27] [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50] [51] [52] [53] [54] [55] [56] [57] [58] [59] [60] [61] [62] [63] [64] [65] [66] [67] [68] [69] [70] [71] [72] [73] [74] [75] [76] [77] [78] [79] [80] [81] [82] [83] [84] [85] [86] [87] [88] [89] [90] [91] [92] [93] [94] [95] [96] [97] [98] [99] [100] [101] [102] [103] [104] [105] [106] [107] [108] [109] [110] [111] [112] [113] [114] [115] [116] [117] [118]
Issue No. 1 - September 1980
Table of Contents:
- Why a Newsletter?
- Australian Press Reports "Fake"
- Coin Identification
- National Geographic Magazine Report
- Subscription List
- Future Issues
- Publication
Issue No. 2 - October 1980
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Article in "Pol"
- Message to Shroud News from London
- Walter McCrone's London Lecture
- Rex Morgan's Lecture
- Subscription List
- Future Issues
- Society Lectures in London
- Publication
Issue No. 3 - November 1980
Table of Contents:
- Editorial (News from America, McCrone controversy grows, Real blood on the Shroud, Cloths from the tomb, Scientific reports)
- Identification of Coin on the Holy Shroud (Space Academy Report, 3-D Pictures, The "coins" appear, Historical Advice, Filas begins work, Of Tiberius Caesar, Filas Identification, See For Yourself, Mathematical probabilities, Filas's Contribution)
- Filas Reacts to McCrone
- The Future of Shroud News
- Subscription List
- Future Issues
- Publication
Issue No. 4 - January 1981
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- The Templecombe Connection
- Letter to the Editor (Re: Dr McCrone Article on his London Lecture in Shroud News, October 1980)
- Recent Pieces in the Australian Newspaper
- Latest Comment from Father Filas
- News from the British Society
- The Shroud in "Pol"
- Mysteries of the World
- Some Recent Quotations
- Subscriptions Now Due, More Subscribers, Contributions
- Future Issues
- Publication
Issue No. 5 - February 1981
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Shrouded In Mystery (Walter McCrone Again)
- When Millions Saw the Shroud (New Book Received)
- Blood On The Shroud - Scientific Report
- An Inspired Painting - Have Faith
- From Father Peter Rinaldi In Turin
- Subscriptions, More Subscribers, Contributions
- Future Issues
- Publication
Issue No. 6 - March 1981
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Holy Shroud Guild
- Old News on.Sundays
- New Book on the Shroud by H. David Sox
- When the Pope Visited the Shroud
- Another Artist and the Shroud
- Reflections on the Shroud of Turin
- Stop Press
- Subscriptions, More Subscribers, Contributions
- Future Issues
- Publication
Issue No. 7 - June 1981
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Santa Barbara and the Holy Shroud - A Report by Rex Morgan (Spanish Origin, Father Otterbein, Carbon Dating, Shroud News, Visual Data Exhibition, The Brooks Institute, The Exhibition Opens, Australian Peter Skinner, The Strawberries, STURP Team, Other Experts, New Conclusions and Results)
- Catholic Weekly
- Subscriptions, More Subscribers, Contributions
- Future Issues
- Publication
Issue No. 8 - August 1981
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Filas In The News Again
- The Shroud and the Second Coming by Rex Morgan
- Shroud News No. 9
- Subscriptions, More Subscribers, Contributions
- Future Issues
- Publication
Issue No. 9 - September 1981
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- What the Scientists Told Me - 1 - Interview with STURP'S Sam Pellicori
- The Shroud in the Australasian Post
- Elvis Presley and the Holy Shroud
- Max Frei - Master Palynologist
- Walter McCrone
- Subscriptions, More Subscribers, Contributions
- Future Issues
- Publication
Issue No. 10 - January 1982
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Forthcoming Television Programme
- What the Scientists Told Me - 2 - Interview with STURP'S Vernon Miller
- Exhibit For Australia?
- Subscriptions, More Subscribers, Contributions
- Future Issues
- Publication
Issue No. 11 - February 1982
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Shroud Symposium, New London, USA (Controversy from Italy, Legal Action in USA, Evidence for Resurrection, Scientists Comment, Official Statement, Visual Data Exhibition, Otterbein - Spearhead)
- Subscriptions, More Subscribers, Contributions
- Future Issues
- Publication
Issue No. 12 - March 1982
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- The Visit to Turin in 1981 (Turin, 1981; With the Cardinal Archbishop of Turin; With King Umberto of Savoy; May 13, 5 p.m.St. Peter's Square; Milestones for the Holy Shroud Guild) by Fr. Peter Rinaldi
- Named After the Holy Shroud
- Some Italian Scientific Results
- Men of the Shroud
- What the People Say
- Subscriptions, More Subscribers, Contributions
- Future Issues
- Publication
Issue No. 13 - April 1982
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- More Interviews from Santa Barbara, California (Peter Skinner, Dr. Joe Wesley Dickerson, Dr. John Jackson)
- Update on Father Filas
- Three Million Readership
- Recent News of the British Society
- Subscriptions, More Subscribers, Contributions
- Future Issues
- Publication
Issue No. 14 - June 1982
Table of Contents:
- Editorial (King Umberto, Dr. Max Frei, Turin Again, More Information, Dr. John Robinson, Ian Wilson, And so...)
- John West and the Holy Shroud
- News from the British Society for the Turin Shroud
- The Nolans of Sydney - A Personal Experience
- Filas and Whanger
- Shroud Spectrum International
- Subscriptions, More Subscribers, Contributions
- Future Issues, Lectures
- Publication
Issue No. 15 - September 1982
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- More About the Filas Coin Theory
- And Now X-rays
- Dr. Alan Whanger of Duke University
- Shroud of Turin Said Dated To Time Near Christ's Death
- Subscriptions, More Subscribers, Contributions
- Future Issues, Lectures
- Publication
Issue No. 16 - January 1983
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- The Verdict, The Skeptic and The Champion by Rex Morgan (Objectivity and Subjectivity, No Agreement, A Review, Clandestinely got, Proof of the Resurrection, Miracles and Religion, The Subjective Skeptic, Pious assertions, Walter McCrone yet again, Littered with emotion, Forgers again, Summary statement)
- Some Recent Quotations About Shroud News
- Subscriptions, More Subscribers, Contributions
- Future Issues, Lectures
- Publication
Issue No. 17 - February 1983
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Max Frei - Master Palynologist by Rex Morgan (Pollen Identification, First Contact with the Shroud, Work with Rolfe and Wilson, Identifications increase, His last report, Summary of the Results)
- Subscriptions, More Subscribers, Contributions
- Future Issues, Lectures
- Publication
Issue No. 18 - July 1983
Table of Contents:
- King Umberto of Savoy
- Editorial (Another Shroud Odyssey, Hong Kong, Turin Again, Baima Bollone, Giovanni Tamburelli, Jean Volckringer, Ian Wilson, Father Rinaldi, Chambéry, Swiss paintings, St. Gomare, Madame Frei, William Meacham, Finally)
- British Society for the Turin Shroud
- McCrone Again
- Letter to the Editor
- And The Last Word from Prof. Francis Filas
- Subscriptions, More Subscribers, Contributions
- Future Issues, Lectures
- Publication
Issue No. 19 - September 1983
Table of Contents:
- Brooks Exhibit For Australia
- Editorial
- The Atlanta Center, Georgia
- The Heart of the Problem of the Holy Shroud
- Another Shroud Exposition?
- Another Book from the U.S.A.
- Sindonology in Mexico
- The British Society for the Turin Shroud
- Subscriptions, More Subscribers, Contributions
- Future Issues, Lectures
- Publication
Issue No. 20 - November 1983
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- The Blood on the Shroud by Rex Morgan
- Was the Body Washed?
- Power Corrupts: Skepticism Corrodes
- Face Reproductions on Linen
- The Turin Shroud: Exhibition of Photographic Data Poster
- Shroud News
- Lectures
Issue No. 21 - January 1984
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- In Memoriam - John A. T. Robinson
- Shroud Photographic Exhibition in Australia
- Some Greetings Received
- Wire Story - December 1983 - Image Analysis of Turin Shroud Supports Pontius Pilate Coin, Authenticity, Dating
- The Latest Book to be Published About the Shroud
- Inauguration of the Centro Mexicano De Sindonologia
- Shroud News
- Lectures
Issue No. 22 - March 1984
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Theft of Christ's Robe
- Episcopalian and Roman Catholic Covenant Signed
- Shroud Spectrum International
- Medicine, Miracles and the Shroud
- Brooks Exhibit in Australia - Report No. 2
- Shroud Guide
- More About the Filas/Haralick Report
- Vale - Père Paul de Gail
- Shroud News
- Lectures
Issue No. 23 - May 1984
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Latest Shroud Evidence from America
- Brooks Exhibit in Australia - Report No. 3
- The South Australian Skeptics
- Shroud News
- Lectures
Issue No. 24 - July 1984
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- From Father Rinaldi
- Further Statement from STURP Scientists
- Symposium in California
- New Orleans World Fair
- The New Group - Assist
- Can the Bloodstains be Dated?
- Research on Extremely Minute and Ancient Traces of Blood
- Shroud News Reviewed in Sindon
- Shroud News
- Lectures
Issue No. 25 - September 1984
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- The Durham Symposium Reported by Rex Morgan
- Brooks Exhibit in Australia - Report No. 4
- Book Review: Portrait of Jesus? - Frank C. Tribbe
- Book Review: The Holy Grail and the Shroud of Christ - Noel Currer-Briggs
- Book Review: A Piece of Cloth - The Turin Shroud Investigated - Rodney Hoare
- Shroud News
- Lectures
Index to Issues No. 1 - 25
Table of Contents:
- A Brief Index to Issues No. 1 to 25
Issue No. 26 - November 1984
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Shroud Spectrum
- Shroud News Index
- Foldmarks on the Shroud - A Remarkable Piece of New Research
- Some Books and Papers Yet To Be Reviewed
- Carbon 14 Dating and the Holy Shroud by Charles Foley
- Letter to the Editor from Paul Smith, Blackburn, Victoria
- The Mystics and the Shroud
- Shroud News
- Lectures
Issue No. 27 - February 1985
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Another New Area of Shroud Study Announced - Group Formed for Environmental Study of the Shroud in Jerusalem
- Modesty Cloth Update
- Correction to Whanger Report
- Italian National Shroud Congress 1984 - Report for Shroud News from Prof. Emanuela Marinelli Paolicci
- "Multa Membra, Corpus Unum" - Article by Rev. Albert R. Dreisbach, Jr.
- Letter to the Editor - Stigmata and the Holy Shroud from Dr. Vaughan Davis, Maroubra, NSW
- Shroud Spectrum International
- Filas Coins Work
- Shroud News
- Lectures
Issue No. 28 - April 1985
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Emeritus Professor The Revd. Francis L. Filas, SJ
- Notes for New Readers of Shroud News
- Donald M. Smith's Thesis of Obligation
- The Shroud in the Arthurian Legends by Remi Van Haelst
- Notes for New Readers of Shroud News
- Shroud News
- Lectures
Issue No. 29 - June 1985
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Environmental Study of the Shroud in Jerusalem
- Further New Evidence from Dr. Alan Whanger
- Word from New Zealand on Electircal Discharge Image Formation
- The Shroud in Chimay (Belgium) by Remi Van Haelst
- The Shroud of Turin: Evidence from a Hindu Mystic by Dr. Arvind Sharma
- Urgent Request to Assist ASSIST and ESSJ
- Shroud News
Issue No. 30 - August 1985
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- The Shroud of Turin - Dutton's Claim Spurious
- Holy Face Shrine in Australia Since 1950s
- New Scientific Proposals
- Letter to the Editor from Dr. Vaughan Davis, Sydney
- Electrical Discharge
- The Shroud and Names
- In Brief
- Donald M. Smith
- Shroud News
Issue No. 31 - October 1985
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Another Shroud Odyssey
- Environmental Study of the Shroud in Jerusalem - A Preliminary Report on Image Test 1 by Sister Damian, OCD
- British Proposals for a Fresh Study of the Shroud of Turin by Ian Wilson
- Letter to the Editor from Harold B. Nelson, Corpus Christi, Texas
- Shroud News
Issue No. 32 - December 1985
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Rare Showing of the Lier Shroud Copy
- Radiocarbon Dating Conference, Trondheim, Norway
- The Roman Centre
- The Holy Shroud by Father Peter Rinaldi (Written in 1933)
- To the Editor
- Carbon Dating Breakthrough Claimed in New Zealand
- Shroud Spectrum International
- Shroud News
Issue No. 33 - February 1986
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- From the Turin Front by Peter M. Rinaldi, SDB
- Will a New Investigation be Made on the Precious Relic?
- Radiocarbon Dating Comes of Age reported by Victoria Morgan
- The Consortium of Shroud Centers
- The Mexican Centre, Shroud Spectrum International, New Italian Shroud Publication
- Don Luigi Fossati
- Books Recently Received
- Letter to the Editor
- Shroud News
Issue No. 34 - April 1986
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Hong Kong Exhibition and Symposium
- Collegamento pro Sindone
- Sindon
- British Society
- The Mystery of the Shroud of Turin: An Interdisciplinary Symposium
- Shroud News
Issue No. 35 - June 1986
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Visit to Rome
- The Jerusalem Tomb Expedition 1986
- Shroud News
Issue No. 36 - August 1986
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Death of Spanish Sindonologist
- Mexican Group
- Brooks Photographic Exhibit in Cairns
- The Study of the Shroud - Is Radiocarbon Analysis Useful? by Don Luigi Fossati
- New Information on the 'Poker Marks'
- Shroud News
Issue No. 37 - October 1986
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- The Late Don Piero Coero Borga of Turin
- Don Piero Coero Borga
- The Shroud in the Apocryphal Gospels
- Environmental Study of the Shroud in Jerusalem by Dr. Eugenia Nitowski
- The Shroud Reported in Soviet Russia
- Collegamento pro Sindone
- Shroud News
Issue No. 38 - December 1986
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Photographic Exhibit Presented to Australia
- What Happened at the Turin Carbon Dating Conference?
- Carbon Dating Test for the Shroud
- A Further Speculation on the Date of the Turin Shroud "Poker Holes" by Rex Morgan
- Article in the British Sunday Express
- Shroud News
Issue No. 39 - February 1987
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Brooks Exhibit Returns to Perth
- Coin On Eye Jewish Burial Custom Reprint of an article by William Meacham
- For the Holy Shroud, the Hour of Truth Reprint of an interview with Fr. Peter Rinaldi
- More About the "Poker Holes" on the Shroud by Remi Van Haelst
- Book Review: The Evidence of the Shroud - Ian Wilson and Vernon Miller
- Shroud News
Issue No. 40 - April 1987
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Shroud Spectrum International, British Society for the Turin Shroud, Collegamento pro Sindone, The Silent Witness
- Geoffroy's Vow and the Church at Lirey by Daniel C. Scavone, Ph.D.
- South East Asia Research Centre for the Holy Shroud (SEARCH) and The Holy Shroud Society of W.A.
- Honouring an Almost Forgotten Shroud Scholar by Remi Van Haelst
- Whanger's 1986 Summary
- A Hitherto Unknown Byzantine Representation Reprinted from the BSTS Newsletter
- International Congress in Sicily
- The Coin-in-Skull Affair: A Rejoinder by Rachel Hachlili and Ann Killebrew Reprinted from Biblical Archaeologist
- "Whose Likeness and Inscription Is This?" (Mark 12:16) by L. Y. Rahmani Reprinted from Biblical Archaeologist
- Shroud News
Issue No. 41 - June 1987
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Through a Glass Darkly Address given by His Excellency Professor Gordon Reid, AC, Governor of Western Australia, at opening of Brooks Exhibit
- La Sindone fra Storia e Scienza Report of a recent conference in Turin by Emanuela Marinelli
- The Turin Shroud and the Resurrection in the Light of Mediumistic Evidence by David Vaughan Reprinted from The Christian Parapsychologist
- A Remarkable Mosaic Image
- C14 Dating for the Templecombe Painting A note from Remi van Haelst of Antwerp
- From the Anglican Messenger, Perth, WA (April 1987)
- Turin Tests from the BBC Science Unit
- Shroud News
Issue No. 42 - August 1987
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Was the Holy Shroud in England? Article on the Templecombe panel by Rex Morgan
- Letter to the Editor from Harold Nelson, Corpus Christi, Texas
- Shroud News
Issue No. 43 - October 1987
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- The Identikit of Jesus by Luigi Malantrucco Reprinted from Collegamento pro Sindone
- Superimposed Shroud Portrait
- The Tunic of Argenteuil - A Brief Note by Rex Morgan
- Carbon Dating the Shroud - Update by Adam J. Otterbein, C.SS.R.
- Creating a New Carbon Dating Controversy Reprint of a lively exchange taking place in the journal NATURE
- A Shroud Guild for Belgium
- Shroud News
Issue No. 44 - December 1987
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- The Crucifixion and Death of Christ and Old Testament Prophecy by Alexander Metherell, M.D.
- Did I See the Lord? by Remi van Haelst
- Shroud - a Problem by Vittorio Messori Reprinted from "Pastoral Life"
- Shroud News
Issue No. 45 - February 1988
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- The Templecombe Panel Painting by Rex Morgan
- Shroud-like Imprint Left by Dead Man in England
- New Group in Oregon, USA
- The Current Carbon Dating Controversy
- Environmental Study of the Shroud in Jerusalem (Correspondence from BAR)
- Shroud News
Issue No. 46 - April 1988
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Photographic Exhibition in Newcastle
- Templecombe Update
- First Belgian Touring Exhibition speech by Remi van Haelst
- The Lancashire Image
- Archdeacon Gregory's Sermon
- Shrouding the Basic Issue
- Shroud News
Issue No. 47 - June 1988
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Carbon Dating the Shroud - A 1988 Resume by Rex Morgan
- Another Shroud Book in Flemish
- British Airways "Highlife"
- Traces of Early Shroud Veneration in Europe (300-850) by Remi van Haelst
- New Banner for Shroud News
- Letter to the Editor from Harold Nelson, Corpus Christi, Texas
- Carbon 14 Dating Correspondence from Dr Denis Dutton published in NATURE
- C14 and an Early Fireproof Cover? More correspondence published in NATURE
- Shroud News
Issue No. 48 - August 1988
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Shroud Photographic Exhibit in Canada
- The Templecombe Panel by Rex Morgan
- Abbas and Temple Combe or Coombe Abbatissa and Combe Templarorium by Audrey Dymock Herdsma
- A Biblical Reference to the Shroud Image? by Rex Morgan
- El Misterio Del Sudario De Turin
- Father Brian Morrison of Western Australia
- Shroud News
Issue No. 49 - October 1988
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- World Reaction to Carbon Dating A Farce by Rex Morgan [Note: This entire issue is devoted to comments on the c14 dating]
- Petition to Cardinal Ballestrero, Archbishop of Turin
- Shroud News
Issue No. 50 - December 1988
Table of Contents: [Editor's Note: This is the largest issue to date with many comments on the radiocarbon dating, so we have also broken it into separate links for each article]
- Cover and Contents - Pages 1-2
- Editorial - Pages 3-8
- Letters - Pages 9-21
- The Place of Shroud News in Sindonology (Smith) - Pages 22-24
- Press Report (reporting Meacham) - Page 25
- C-14 and the Shroud of Turin (Scavone) - Pages 26-29
- An Open Letter (Rinaldi) - Pages 30-31
- Has Science Judged the Shroud to be a Fake? (Tribbe) - Pages 32-39
- The Shroud: A Forgery? (Lindner) - Pages 40-41
- Biblical Reference to the Image? (Crispino) - Pages 42-44
- The Mystics and the Modesty Cloth (Nelson) - Page 45
- Reconciling the Evidence (Nitowski) - Pages 46-47
- The Shroud, Science and Faith (Lodge) - Pages 48-51
- The Shroud in Flemish Art (Van Haelst) - Pages 52-55
- New Mystery (reporting Wilson) - Page 56
- Comments on the C-14 Dating Results (Whanger) - Pages 57-61
- Volckringer Plant donated to SEARCH - Pages 62-63
- National Catholic News Service - Pages 64-65
- Contributors - Page 66-67
- Shroud News - Page 68
Issue No. 51 - February 1989
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- In This Issue
- A Time to Sing a New Song by the Banks of the River Chebar by Revd. Fr. Albert R. Dreisbach, Jr.
- One Shroud, A Thousand Mysteries by Professor Luigi Gonella, Turin, Italy
- Further Evidence of Ponitius Pilate Coins by Prof. Mario Moroni, Robbiate, Italy
- New Tests for the Cloth by MireIla Pennisi reproduced from 30 DAYS
- Shroud News
Issue No. 52 - April 1989
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Radiocarbon dating of the Shroud of Turin by Damon, et. al.
- Shroud irradiated with neutrons?
- Limits of the Radiocarbon Analysis Carried Out on the Holy Shroud Material by Don Luigi Fossati, Turin, Italy (Translated by Helen Ferris, Sydney)
- Official Announcement from the International Centre of Sindonology
- The Shroud of Turin - Revisited by Dr. Anthony N. Paruta, Rhode Island, USA
- Shroud News
Issue No. 53 - June 1989
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- International Shroud Congress, Bologna, Italy by Rex Morgan
- Shroud News
Issue No. 54 - August 1989
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Some Comments on the Turin Shroud After the Carbon Test by Prof. Dr. Werner Bulst, SJ, Darmstadt, Germany
- Some Important Dates in the Early History of the Turin Shroud by Prof. Dr. Werner Bulst, SJ, Darmstadt, Germany
- Book Review: The Cross and the Shroud by Dr. Frederick T. Zugibe, MD, PhD. by Rex Morgan
- Book Review: The Shroud of Turin - Opposing Viewpoints by Daniel C. Scavone by Rex Morgan
- Some Recent Books
- Some Comments on SN #53
- Book by Fr. Charles Foley
- Shroud News
Issue No. 55 - October 1989
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Letter from Dr. Michael Tite to Prof. Luigi Gonella
- The Paris Symposium - Part I - Report by Rex Morgan
- Shroud News
Issue No. 56 - December 1989
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- The Paris Symposium - Part II - Report by Rex Morgan
- Shroud News
Issue No. 57 - February 1990
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Professor Luigi Gonella Visits Australia
- The Genuine Holy Shroud by Fr. Charles Foley
- Statistical Doubt About the C14 Dating of the Shroud by Remi van Haelst
- Shroud News
Issue No. 58 - April 1990
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Preliminary Details of New Evidence for the Authenticity of the Shroud: Measurement by the Cubit by Ian Dickinson
- New Research Findings on the Origin and Dating of the Shroud of Turin by Prof. Alan Whanger and Mary Whanger
- Applicability of Statistical Methods to Single Past Events by Rudolf Larenz
- The Case of the Umbella Disputed by H. Leynen
- Shroud News
Issue No. 59 - June 1990
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Interview With Dr. Michael Tite by Orazio Petrosillo and Emanuela Marinelli
- Floral, Coin, and Other Non-Body Images on the Shroud of Turin by Prof. Alan Whanger and Mary Whanger
- The Riddle of the Dead Sea Scrolls review by Rex Morgan
- Shroud News
Issue No. 60 - August 1990
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- The Case Is Not Closed! by Stefano M. Paci
- Conundra 1990 by Fr. Charles Foley
- Medical Testimony of the Holy Shroud by Eoin Ó Máille
- Why the Face on the Shroud Appears Separated from the Body by Ian W. Dickinson
- Shroud News
Issue No. 61 - October 1990
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Vatican Announcement 19 August 1990 story from Associated Press
- More Evidence for a Pre-medieval Date by Revd. Albert R. Dreisbach, Jr.
- A Note on the Name of the Pharos Chapel in Constantinople by Prof. Daniel C. Scavone
- British Museum Exhibition by Rex Morgan
- The Clean Shroud by H. Leynen
- Gossip From Turin by Rex Morgan
- Shroud News
Issue No. 62 - December 1990
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Forthcoming Book Special Announcement
- C14 Comments 30 Years Ago from Sindon No 7, December 1961
- Is It Really A Fake? by John Tyrer from Textile Horizons, March 1989
- C14 Process Inaccurate by Ian Wilson from BSTS Newsletter No 26, Sep/Oct 1990
- Self Crucifixion - a bizarre account of a self-crucifixion in Italy in 1805
- The Holy Shroud of Turin: Recorded Movement Transfer by Eoin O Maille from Christian Order, October 1990
- Shroud News
Issue No. 63 - February 1991
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Giovanni Tamburelli - In Memoriam by Rex Morgan
- Remi Van Haelst - A New Publication
- The D'Arcis Family
- C. I. E. L. T. - What is it? by Rex Morgan
- Larchmont Symposium
- A Tentative Account of Comparative Iconography by Andre Van Cauwenberghe, Translated by Victoria Harper
- More From The Mystics
- Statement by the Director of the Vatican Press Center
- This Piece Made It Into One Local Australian Newspaper
- Shroud News
Issue No. 64 - April 1991
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Environmental Influences On Textile Radiocarbon Dating by Remi Van Haelst
- Death of Catholic Archbishop of Perth
- More Evidence For Doubt About C14 Samples
- Cotton on the Oxford Dating Sample from BSTS Newsletter No 26
- Unshrouding a Mystery: Science, Pseudoscience, and the Cloth of Turin by Joe Nickell from The Skeptical Enquirer, Spring 1989
- The Pathologist and the Shroud from the book Face to Face with the Turin Shroud, Mayhew-McCrimmon, 1978, Ed Peter Jennings
- The Oxford Illustrated History of Christianity
- A Brief Bibliography of Some Books Recently Acquired by Rex Morgan
- Shroud News
Issue No. 65 - June 1991
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Unshrouding Joe Nickell by Daniel C. Scavone, Ph.D.
- Evidence of Early Origin and Nature of the Shroud of Turin by Image Analysis and Optical Comparison by Prof. Alan D. Whanger and Mary Whanger
- Extract from article "From the Turin Front" by Father Peter M. Rinaldi, S.D.B., Holy Shroud Guild Newsletter, May 1991
- Shroud News
Issue No. 66 - August 1991
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Dr. Jean Volckringer: In Memoriam by Rex Morgan
- The Templar's Journey to Somerset by Audrey Dymock Herdsman
- Shroud News
Issue No. 67 - October 1991
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- The St. Louis Shroud Symposium by Rex Morgan
- Shroud News
Issue No. 68 - December 1991
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- 'Off the Body' Images - New Whanger Research - A Report from Duke University by Debbie Selinsky
- Radiocarbon Data Indeed Manipulated by Remi Van Haelst
- Study of Original Documents of the Archives of the Diocese of Troyes in France by Brother Bruno Bonnet-Eymard
- Holy Faces, Secret Places - Book Review by Rex Morgan
- Shroud News
Issue No. 69 - February 1992
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Appointment in Galilee by Robert Halisey
- A Quantitative Optical Technique for Analyzing & Authenticating the Shroud of Turin - A Summary of a Paper by Dr. Alan & Mrs. Mary Whanger
- Study of Original Documents of the Archives of the Diocese of Troyes in France by Brother Bruno Bonnet-Eymard
- Shroud's Home is Crumbling Around It - CNS News Article and Letter from Ian Dickinson
- The Case for the Shroud - Book Review of American edition of Ian Wilson's New Book by David Rooney - Reprinted from Fidelity (January 1992)
- A Shroud Exhibition in Bournemouth, England by Rex Morgan
- Shroud News
Issue No. 70 - April 1992
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- The Shroud of Turin and the Shroud of Rabat by Bro. Michael Buttigieg, FSC
- Dead and Buried in 1988, the Shroud of Turin Rises Again by William Griffin
- Shroud Statue
- Is the Shroud of Turin a Painting by Leonardo Da Vinci? by Isabel Piczek
- From the Turin Front
- Shroud News
Issue No. 71 - June 1992
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- As Mysterious As Ever by Mary Warner
- The Amazing World of Isabel Piczek by Rex Morgan
- Accuracy of Carbon Dating? by Brian Donaghy
- 3M and the Holy Shroud of Turin
- Shroud News
Issue No. 72 - August 1992
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Cheshire, V.C. and the Shroud - An Appreciation by Rex Morgan
- Cheshire and Josie Woollam by Revd. Charles Foley
- Citation for the award to Leonard Cheshire of the Victoria Cross
- Shroud News
Issue No. 73 - October 1992
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Will the British Museum Finally Open Its Shroud File? by Remi Van Haelst
- The Reliquary of the Holy Sepulchre, Pamplona
- Cubit Rods Exist That Match the Shroud Dimensions
- Shroud Photographer in Melbourne by Rex Morgan
- Why the Shroud of Turin May Be Genuine After All by W.S. McBirnie, Ph.D. & Lona Ann White
- The World's Greatest Blunders
- Shroud News
Issue No. 74 - December 1992
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Why Parts of the Shroud Are Missing by Ian Dickinson
- The Visit of Professor Jerome Lejeune to Cardinal Saldarini, Bishop of Turin - translated by Rex Morgan
- From the Turin Front by Father Peter Rinaldi
- Preservation of the Shroud by Revd. Albert (Kim) R. Dreisbach
- History, Science, Technology and the Shroud - St. Louis, Missouri 1991 Symposium Proceedings - notice by Rex Morgan
- Shroud News
Issue No. 75 - February 1993
Table of Contents:
- Father Peter Rinaldi, SDB - A Tribute by Rex Morgan
- Father Rinaldi's last letter to Rex Morgan
- Two Significant September 1933 Enties from Fr. Peter Rinaldi's Personal Diary
- Extracts from Letters to Rex Morgan from Fr. Peter Rinaldi
- Shroud News
Issue No. 76 - April 1993
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Why Parts of the Shroud Are Missing: Epexegesis by Ian Dickinson
- The "88" Shroud C-14 Test: Procedural Irregularities by Robert Halisey
- Rush To Judgement - A Letter to Fidelity by Harold Nelson
- The Electromagnetic Nature of Living Systems... by Zbigniew William Wolkowski
- Shrouded In Mystery by Orazio Petrosillo and Emanuela Marinelli
- Carbon Dating - What Some Of Us Think Now by Michael Clift
- Shroud News
Issue No. 77 - June 1993
Table of Contents:
- The Shroud Crowd Carries On Regardless - A comment inspired by the recent Rome Shroud Symposium - Rex Morgan
- The Rome Symposium - Part 1
- Shroud News
Issue No. 78 - August 1993
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- The Rome Symposium - Part 2
- Letter from Gonella to the Rome Symposium
- Home Truths About the Conference - A background comment on the Rome Symposium by Rex Morgan
- Shroud News
Issue No. 79 - October 1993
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Correspondence
- An Open Letter to the Turin Shroud Investigation Committee... - From AURA -Z No. 1 March 1993, A Russian English language magazine
- Book Review of Le Signe de Linceul by Odile Celier - by Anne Ponce - Appeared in Catholic Counter Reformation No 256 March 1993
- All Entrances Are Locked - Reaction to the book of Odile Celier by Brother Bruno Bonnet-Eymard - Appeared in Catholic Counter Reformation No 256 March 1993
- English translation of the official press release relating to the private viewing of the Shroud on 7th September 1992 - Appeared in Sindon 1992
- The Answer's In The Negative - Lynn Picknett on fear and loathing among the `Shroudies' - From the Fortean Times Aug/Sep 1993
- Shroud News
Issue No. 80 - December 1993
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- All Those Carbon 14 Errors by Stefano M. Paci - Appeared in the American journal 30 Days, No 9, 1993
- Shroud Spectrum International - A Review by Rex Morgan
- Deshrouding the Historical Jesus by Robert Halisey
- Conservation of the Shroud of Turin by Alan D. Adler and Larry A. Schwalbe
- A Shroud Replica Made By Nature by Remi Van Haelst
- Letter to the Editor of the Fortean Times Regarding Lynn Picknett's da Vinci Theory by Ian Wilson
- Shroud News
Issue No. 81 - February 1994
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Lively Correspondence Regarding the Life of Lord Cheshire - Two letters from AD2000, May and June 1993
- The 1988 Shroud Samples - An interview with Dr Michael Tite conducted during the 1989 Paris Symposium by Emanuela Marinelli and Orazio Petrosillo
- Jesus' death on cross 'a hoax' says royal doctor - Article from the Sun-Herald, 28 April 1991
- Preliminary Details of The Image of the Umbilicus on the Shroud by Ian W. Dickinson
- Deshrouding the Historical Jesus by Robert Halisey
- Theory of Image Formation As Proposed by Dr. Leoncio A. Garza-Valdes by Rev. Frederick Brinkmann from the Holy Shroud Guild Newsletter, December 1993
- Shroud News
Issue No. 82 - April 1994
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- 12 Reasons Why I Cannot Accept the Carbon 14 Test Results on the Holy Shroud of Turin by Victor de Vincenzo
- Jesus Made Kosher by John A. Schulte - Article from Shroud Sources
- The Holy Shroud of Turin: A Tentative Explanation of the Problem Concerning the Imagery and the Disappearance of the Body by Fr Roger Reuse
- Byzantine Frescoes
- Shroud News
Issue No. 83 - June 1994
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- The Shroud of Turin - New Evidence by Dr Alan Whanger and Mary Whanger
- Image Formation and the Shroud of Turin by Emily A. Craig and Randall R. Bresee - Article from the Journal of Imaging Science and Technology Jan/Feb 1994
- A Response to the Craig-Bresee Theory by Isabel Piczek
- Black Archbishop Wants to Prove Christ was Black from the Bangkok Post, 9 December 1992
- Who is the man of the Shroud? - Gulf Coast councils sponsor photo exhibit of Shroud of Turin by Tim S. Hickey - from Columbia, May 1993
- Letters to the Editor
- Oldest Cloth Found in Turkey - AP, 14 July 1993
- Shroud News
Issue No. 84 - August 1994
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Professor Jerome Lejeune by Rex Morgan
- Letters to the Editor
- The Great Holy Shroud Dating Fraud of 1988 adapted by D. J. McDonnell - Reprinted from Catholic May 1993
- Carbon-14 and the Shroud of Turin - Taken from the Italian/English journal 30 Days, June, 1990
- A Caveat About the Shroud Radiocarbon Dating by Remi Van Haelst
- A 'Miracle' Diagnosis by Luigi Garlaschelli, Franco Ramaccini and Sergio Della Sala - Reprinted from Chemistry in Britain Feb 1994
- Iceman Unlikely to be Hoax, DNA Tests Show - Sydney Morning Herald 18 June 1994
- Shroud News
Issue No. 85 - October 1994
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- The Holy Shroud: Authentic After All? by Orazio Petrosillo - Reprinted from Inside the Vatican May 1994
- Shrouds Without Shreds Of Evidence Two Book Reviews by James Murray - Reprinted from The Australian 29 April 1994
- The Jesus Conspiracy by Anne de Courcy - Reprinted from the Sydney Telegraph Mirror 13 August 1994
- Progress in Radiocarbon Dating the Shroud of Turin by H. E. Gove - Reprinted from RADIOCARBON, Vol 31, No 3, 1989
- From the Oxford University Research Newspaper
- Shroud News
Issue No. 86 - December 1994
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- More Reactions to Craig and Bresee by Daniel C. Scavone
- The Oviedo Cloth - Activity Update by Rex Morgan
- The Oviedo Sudarium by Michael Minor
- Kousnetsov Not Supported by CIELT by Remi Van Haelst
- The Spear of Longinus
- God Plays Tricks On Us by Leo O'Leary - Reprinted from the journal FIDELITY, Melbourne, December 1994
- A Brief Bibliography of Some Books Recently Acquired by Shroud News - Compiled by Rex Morgan
- Shroud News
Issue No. 87 - February 1995
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Review of Picknett & Prince book In Whose Image? by Daniel C. Scavone
- Biophysical Correction to the Old Textile Radio Carbon Dating Results by Andrey A Ivanov and Dmitri A Kouznetsov
- New Findings On Turin Shroud (Nicholas Allen) - Reprinted from The Times, Friday, September 16, 1994
- Challenge To Allen's Findings by Bro Michael Buttigieg, fsc
- Philibert Pingon and the Shroud of Turin by Daniel C. Scavone
- Shroud News
Issue No. 88 - April 1995
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Monsignor Giulio Ricci - In Memoriam by Rex Morgan
- New Light on the Turin Shroud ... from Russia by Denis Mannix
- A Report on the Dec. 10, 1994 Shroud Conference at Mount Angel Abbey by John A. Schulte
- Shrouded In Mystery by Angie Testa - Reprinted from Carter's Antiques and Collectables Annual, Australia 1995
- Shroud News
Issue No. 89 - June 1995
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- If Science Confirms It... by Orazio Petrosillo - Reprinted from 30 DAYS No 3, 1995
- Eyewitness To The Resurrection by Revd Albert R. Dreisbach, Jr.
- Ablatio by Fr Charles Foley
- Varnish On The Shroud Fibres by Daniel C. Scavone
- Shroud News
Issue No. 90 - August 1995 - Special Issue
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Holy Shroud to be Exhibited in Turin in 1998 and 2000 - Report on Cardinal Saldarini's press conference from Il Tempo, 6 Sept 1995 - Translated by Isabel Piczek. Edited by Rex Morgan.
- Shroud News
Issue No. 91 - October 1995
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Vatican Set To Exhibit Shroud by Viviane Hewitt - Reprinted from Catholic Herald, September 15, 1995
- Book Reviews of The Jesus Conspiracy by Kersten & Gruber - by Dorothy Crispino and Dr. Robert Bucklin
- Study Center In Corpus Christi
- Manton In French Journal
- Dr. Eugenia Nitowski by Cindy Smith-Maxwell - Reprinted from Intermountain Catholic
- Book Review of Turin Shroud: In Whose Image? by Picknett & Prince - Reprinted from The American Spectator, July 1995
- Internet Parody
- A Visit To Isabel Piczek by Rex Morgan
- Turin Shroud Contains Female DNA by Viviane Hewitt - Reprinted from Catholic Herald, August 4, 1995
- Church's Advertising Gets Christians Cross - Associated Press
- Turin Shroud May Be The World's Oldest Photographic Negative by David Keys - Reprinted from the Sydney Morning Herald, 12 Sept 1995
- Collegamento Pro Sindone
- Fungi On The Shroud by Leoncio Garza-Valdes - Reprinted from the Holy Shroud Guild Newsletter, July 1995
- Carbon 14 by Harry E. Gove - Reprinted from the Holy Shroud Guild Newsletter, July 1995
- Corpus Christi Church
- Pollens on the 'Shroud': A Study In Deception by Joe Nickell
- Shroud News
Issue No. 92 - December 1995
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- The Shroud: Image For The Year 2000 (Interview with Cardinal Saldarini) - Reprinted from Avvenire, 7 October 1995 - Translated by Fr Paolo Caporali. Edited by Rex Morgan
- Shroud Seminar in Boston March 1996
- In Pursuit Of The Truth - A commentary on the Turin announcements by Rex Morgan
- Dr. John H. Heller - An Appreciation by Rex Morgan
- Latest Findings by Emanuela Marinelli - Reprinted from the British Society of the Turin Shroud Newsletter, No 40 (May 1995)
- Response to Bro. Michael Buttigieg - Dr. Nicholas Allen Is Amused - Letter from Dr. Nicholas Allen
- Shroud Symposium in New York
- Shroud News
Issue No. 93 - February 1996
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Shroud: The DNA Evidence by Pietro Pasquale - Reprinted from Format TV (Italy), 22 December 1995 - Translated by Isabel Piczek and Paul Caporale
- The Shroud and the Second Coming by Rex Morgan - From Shroud News, No 8 (August 1981)
- Shroud Article by Rex Morgan - from a two part series in the Western Advocate, Australia, 9 September 1978
- A Further Statement From Saldarini - Reprinted from Radio Journal, 1 January 1996
- Statement On Behalf of STURP - Shroud of Turin Research Project Inc.
- Abstract: Joseph of Arimathea, the Holy Grail and the Edessa Icon: The Social Pathways of a Popular Legend by Daniel C. Scavone
- The Medieval Photograph - Letter to the Editor from Bro. Michael Buttigieg
- Book Review of The Double Images on the Shroud of Turin by N. Cinquemani - by Rex Morgan
- Shroud News
Issue No. 94 - April 1996
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- The Opening and Investigation of the Reliquary of the Holy Sepulchre, Pamplona Cathedral by Ian W. Dickinson
- Werner Bulst by Rex Morgan
- A Scientific Appraisal of the Allen Hypothesis for the Formation of the Image on the Shroud of Turin by Paul R. Smith
- A Calendar of the Shroud - 1452-1509 Courtesy of Ian Wilson
- The Shroud is No "Solarograph" by Remi Van Haelst.
- Did I See the Face of Jesus? by Remi Van Haelst
- Did England's King Edward I Touch the Shroud while in the Holy Land? - Extract from Ian Wilson's BSTS Newsletter, January 1996
- Interesting reference to the Shroud by St Augustine by Professor Tony Shannon
- Shroud News
Issue No. 95 - June 1996
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Turin Again by Rex Morgan
- The Crime Committed Against the Holy Shroud by Bro. Bruno Bonnet-Eymard
- Shroud News
Issue No. 96 - August 1996
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- The Earliest Portrait of Christ by Rex Morgan
- Delage and Vignon in 1902 by Daniel C. Scavone
- Voyage of the Vikings - The Vinland Map by Simon Jenkins - Reprinted from The Times, 2 March 1996
- Vinland Map Update - Reprinted from Dr Walter McCrone's Internet home page
- Letters to the Editor
- Shroud News
Issue No. 97 - September 1996
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Why Shilly Shally, My Lord? by Bro. Bruno Bonnet-Eymard - Reprinted from La Contra - Reforme Catholique Au XX Siecle, No 281 December 1995
- Pollens on the Shroud: A Study in Deception by Dr. Alan Whanger
- Updating Recent Studies on the Shroud of Turin by Dr. Alan D. Adler - Reprinted from the American Chemical Society, 1996 (Chapter 17)
- Shroud News
Issue No. 98 - October 1996
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- The New York Shroud Seminar - August 1996 - Report by Rex Morgan
- Shroud News
Issue No. 99 - December 1996
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Two Special Announcements from the U.S.A. - STURP Dissolved, New Group Formed
- The Shroud Makes a Comeback by Denis M. Searles - Reprinted from The Canberra Times, Tuesday, March 28, 1995
- Turin shroud dated closer to Jesus' time by Lori Sharn - Reprinted from USA TODAY, May 22, 1996
- A History of the Holy Shroud Guild: The Fathers of American Sindonology by Dorothy Crispino - Reprinted from the official program of the New York Symposium 1996
- Interest in Shroud of Turin High in Russia - From Catholic News Service
- Unleavened Bread by Sr. Maria Regina
- Letters to the Editor
- Shroud Scholar, Expert Worries About Catholic, Protestant Divide On Turin Shroud - From Catholic News Service
- Update from Paul Maloney, U.S.A.
- May, 1995, Shroud Celebration in Nice - Personal Reflections by Dorothy Crispino - Reprinted from the Holy Shroud Guild Newsletter, No 52
- Letter to the Editor by Daniel Scavone
- Shroud News
Issue No. 100 - February 1997
Table of Contents: [Editor's Note: This is the largest issue to date so we have also broken it into separate links for most of the articles]
- Cover and Contents - Page 1
- Editorial - Seventeen Years of Shroud News by Rex Morgan - Pages 2-9
- A Casket, A Bridge, A Lighthouse by Christopher Morgan - Pages 10-11
- Letters from Ian Wilson, Frank Tribbe and Alan Adler - Pages 12-13
- One Picture Is Worth More Than A Thousand Tests by Fr. Peter Little, SJ - Pages 14-15
- The Sputnik of the Shroud by Emanuela Marinelli - Page 15
- Letter from Ian Dickinson - Page 16
- A Tribute to Rex Morgan and the Shroud News by Michael Minor - Page 17
- Letters from Paul Maloney of ASSIST and Robert Dinegar of STURP - Pages 18-19
- Letters from Alan and Mary Whanger, Dorothy Crispino and others - Pages 20-21
- An Occasion For Rejoicing by Paul Smith - Page 22
- Letters from Peter Skinner, Jack Markwardt, Don Luigi Fossati and Rev. Albert Kim Dreisbach - Pages 23-25
- Letters from Prof. Gilbert Raes, Prof. Dan Scavone, Isabel Piczek, Remi Van Haelst and others - Pages 26-29
- British King Lucius and the Shroud by Prof. Dan Scavone - Pages 30-39
- Observations on the Frei Pollen Samples by Paul C. Maloney - Pages 40-45
- The Edessa Image and Pre-Lirey Folding of the Shroud by Ian W. Dickinson - Pages 46-51
- The Body of Christ by Dr. Eugenia Nitowski - Pages 52-55
- Holy Shroud Led Agnostic to Priesthood from The Catholic Herald - Page 56
- The Disciples on the Road to Turin by Fr. Joseph Marino - Pages 57-62
- Scientific and Theological Reflections by Prof. Dr. Eberhard Lindner - Pages 63-67
- The Coins in the Eyes Convinced Me by Dr. Patrick S. Fahy - Page 67
- Faith and the Computer by Fr. John Conliss - Page 68
- Natural Factors Affecting the Apparent Radiocarbon Age of Textiles by Mario Moroni and Remi Van Haelst - Pages 69-71
- Face in rock 'a miracle' by Michael Southwell - Page 72
- Shroud Numerology by Norman A. Bradbury - Pages 73-75
- The Enigma of the Shroud - Book Review by Ian Wilson - Pages 76-77
- STOP PRESS!! Scientific Storm Over Carbon Dating Claims by Leigh Dayton - Sydney Morning Herald - Page 78
- Shroud News - Page 79
- The Earliest Portrait of Christ? and Back Cover - Pages 80-81
Issue No. 101 - April 1997 (Fire Issue)
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- A Prophetic Headline on 30 March 1997 - "Shroud to be put to the test again" - Reprinted from The Universe, Sunday March 30, 1997
- From Maurizio Paolicci - 12 April 97
- From Revd. Kim Dreisbach - 12 April 97
- From Revd. Kim Dreisbach - 14 April 97
- From Revd. Fr. Joe Marino - 14 April 97
- From Revd. Kim Dreisbach - 15 April 97
- Police Cite Arson In Shroud Blaze by Richard Owen in Rome and agencies - Reprinted from The Australian, 15 April 1997
- Hero's Halo For Fireman Who Rescued the Sacred Shroud by Andrew Hurst in Turin
- From Isabel Piczek - 19 April 97
- Shroud News
Issue No. 102 - June 1997
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- The Symposium at Nice: May 1997 by Rex Morgan (Part 1)
- Shroud News
Issue No. 103 - August 1997
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- The Symposium at Nice: May 1997 by Rex Morgan (Part 2)
- Shroud News
Issue No. 104 - October 1997
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- The Shroud of Turin Before New Experiments by Professor G. Fazio
- Ensuring the Recording of Shroud Material Worldwide - An Important Announcement from Isabel Piczek
- Shroud Fresco After the 1694 Exhibition
- A Rare Embroidery of the Shroud
- Claire Raiguel McAllister White by Rex Morgan
- Two Centenaries - A Saint Dies, and the Shroud "Comes to Life" by Sr. M. Dympna
- Cardinal Saldarini's message to the participants of the 3rd symposium
- Shroud News
Issue No. 105 - December 1997
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Memorandum from the Nice Symposium - reprinted from Revue Internationale du Linceul de Turin No 5 (1997) Centre Internationale d'Etudes sur le Linceul se Turin (CIELT)
- A New Shroud Internet Contact by William Meacham
- The Same Kouznetsov?
- The Late Rodney Hoare - Reprinted from the British Society for the Turin Shroud Newsletter No 45 (June/July 1997)
- A Strange Meeting in Nice by Remi Van Haelst
- Archeologist: Turin Shroud is no fake - Reuters - Reprinted from the Bangkok Post, Thailand (31 Oct 1997)
- Is this the Shroud's last secret? by June Southworth - Reprinted from the Daily Mail, London (9 December 1997)
- One Picture is Worth a Thousand Tests by Fr Peter Little, SJ
- Turin Shroud Stays in Turin - Letter from the Vatican - Reprinted from the Catholic Times, UK (11 May 1997)
- Ostensione Della Sindone - Torino 1998 by Giampiero Leo, Councillor for Culture, Piedmont Region
- Shroud News
Issue No. 106 - February 1998
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- The Sudarium of Oviedo - Its History and Relationship to the Shroud of Turin by Mark Guscin
- Shroud Research Reveals Intact Muscle Fragment by Barbara Stinson Lee - Report on the work of Dr Eugenia Nitowski reprinted from Intermountain Catholic 21 March 1997
- Principles and rules for the expert's appraisal applied to the Turin Shroud - reprinted from Revue Internationale du Linceul de Turin (no 6) of the French based CIELT
- Was Da Vinci work recycled? by Aisling Irwin - Reprinted from the Sydney Morning Herald 18 October 1997
- Shroud: A Relic, Icon or Hoax? by John Allen - Reprinted from The Catholic Times (UK) 20 April 1997
- Shroud News
Issue No. 107 - April 1998
Table of Contents:
- Shroud Exposition 1998 - An eye witness account by Rex Morgan
- Shroud News
Issue No. 108 - June 1998
Table of Contents:
- The 3rd International Shroud Congress, Turin 1998 by Rex Morgan (Part 1)
- Shroud News
Issue No. 109 - August 1998
Table of Contents:
- The 3rd International Shroud Congress, Turin 1998 by Rex Morgan (Part 2)
- Shroud News
Issue No. 110 - October 1998
Table of Contents:
- The 3rd International Shroud Congress, Turin 1998 by Rex Morgan (Part 3)
- Shroud News
Issue No. 111 - December 1998
Table of Contents:
- End of the Turin Congress
- Turin Shroud Photographic Exhibition (The Brooks Exhibit) On Display Again In Australia In 1998 by Christopher Morgan
- Report of Dallas Conference 5-8 November 1998 by Isabel Piczek
- What About Gonella? by Rex Morgan
- Hundreds See Shroud of Turin Exhibition by Scott Anderson
- Shroud Inspires Local Artist
- History Is Subject To Societal Biases by Dr. Massimo F. Buonaiuto
- Shroud News
Issue No. 112 - February 1999
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- On the Origin of the Hair Image on the Shroud by Professor Dr. Eberhard Lindner
- Umberto II Collector by Princess Maria Gabriella di Savoia
- The Barrie Schwortz Website
- Shroud Chronology 1511 - 1694 by Ian Wilson
- The Shroud and the Grail in Passion Plays by Remi Van Haelst
- Shroud News
Issue No. 113 - April 1999
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Obituaries: Hilda Leynen; H. E. Baron Francois Xavier Van der Straten-Waillet; Revd Fr. Adam John Otterbein, STD, CSsR; Cardinal Anastasio Alberto Ballestrero, OCD; Molly Drew
- Shroud Centre in Sri Lanka by Rex Morgan
- Shroud News
Issue No. 114 - June 1999
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- The Rome Conference - May 1999
- Shroud News
Issue No. 115 - September 1999
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- The Richmond Conference - June 1999 - Report by Rex Morgan
- Shroud News
Issue No. 116 - December 1999
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- Jesus 'Died of a Heart Attack' - Sunday Times 6/6/99
- Easter: mass delusion, or the foundation stone for a revival? - Reprinted from a recent issue of the British based Intelligence Digest
- International Conference in Italy in 2000
- The Shroud of Turin, A Fascinating Enigma by Fr. Giuseppe Caviglia, OCD - Reprinted from Carmelite Digest (Vol 13 No 3 Summer 1998)
- International Conference in Australia in 2001
- A Real Study of the Shroud Particle Samples - A recent publication of Dr. Eugenia Nitowski reviewed by Rex Morgan
- The Shroud of Turin - Imprint of Mercy - 13 Part Television Interview Series with John and Rebecca Jackson
- Shroud News
Issue No. 117 - January 2001
Table of Contents:
- Editorial and Miscellany by Rex Morgan
- In Memoriam: Rodger Apple
- The Cloth of Oviedo - An interview with Mark Guscin by Linda Moulton Howe (Earthfiles)
- In Memoriam: Bro. Michael Buttgieg of MALTA
- In Memoriam: Anna Hulbert
- Shroud News
Issue No. 118 - December 2001 (Final Issue)
Table of Contents:
- Editorial
- The Shroud in the New Millennium - Keynote Address given at the Dallas International Conference, 27 October 2001, by Rex Morgan
- Shroud News
If you know the specific issue you wish to view you may select it here. An additional navigation bar is located at the top of this page for your convenience.
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