Shroud of Turin:
The Controversial Intersection of Faith and ScienceConference
October 9-12, 2014
Drury Plaza Hotel
St. Louis, Missouri
An international conference titled, Shroud of Turin: The Controversial Intersection of Faith and Science, was held in St. Louis, Missouri, on October 9-12, 2014, at the Drury Plaza Inn in Chesterfield. The event was co-sponsored by the Resurrection of the Shroud Foundation and the Salt River Production Group and the Chairman of the Organizing Committee was Joseph Marino. The event was truly international in scope, with speakers and attendees from around the world representing Australia, Canada, England, France, Hong Kong, Italy, Panama, Spain and the United States. More than 160 attendees sat through full days of presentations on a wide variety of topics and remained attentive and dedicated throughout. For a more detailed review of the event, you can read A Personal Report on the 2014 St. Louis Conference by Barrie Schwortz.
Although the Official St. Louis Conference Website (which includes a public Discussion Forum) is still online, it will be taken down on or about January 2016, after which it will no longer be available, so the organizers decided to have the conference materials permanently archived here on and the result is this page, which we tried to keep as compact as possible. The page currently includes most of the papers and presentations that were made, as well as links to abstracts, photos and all the available video clips (thanks to Russ Breault and his new Shroud University YouTube page of St. Louis Conference videos) and we will add any remaining papers should they become available. The presentations are listed below in the exact order in which they were given at the conference. This differs slightly from the printed program due to some last minute rescheduling during the event. Click on the linked name of any person on the page to see a high quality photo of that presenter. All photographs are ©2014 STERA, Inc. unless otherwise noted.
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Thursday, October 9, 2014
Opening Remarks - by Joseph G. Marino (USA)
Shroud Encounter - (Opening Presentation) - Abstract - by Russ Breault (USA)
Informal Gathering in the Ballroom
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Friday, October 10, 2014
Dating The Shroud of Turin: Weighing All the Evidence (Paper) - Abstract - PowerPoint Presentation - PowerPoint Narration - Video - by Raymond Schneider, P.E., Ph.D. (USA)
The Enigma of the apparent age of the Shroud of Turin Given the 1988 Radiocarbon Dating (PowerPoint Presentation) - Abstract - Video - by Jeffrey Skurka, P.E. (USA)
The origin of Rogers’ Raes and C14 samples (Paper) - PowerPoint Presentation - Abstract - by Thibault Heimburger, M.D. (France)
Spectroscopic Analyses of Fibers from the Shroud of Turin - What Do They Mean? (PowerPoint Presentation) - Abstract - Video (This presentation is the first 17 minutes of the video) - by Jon Schoonover, Ph.D. (USA) - (Read by Robert Villarreal)
Natural, manufactured or 'miracle'? (Paper) - Abstract - Video - by Andrew Silverman, M.D. (England)
Speculations on the 14th Century Origins of the Turin Shroud (Paper) - PowerPoint Presentation - Abstract - Video - by Joseph Accetta, Ph.D. (USA) - Joe also sent two additional commentaries that he asked us to include with his paper: Commentary on Science and the Shroud and Commentary on the Shroud and STRP.
Earthquake-Induced Piezonuclear Reactions and the Image on the Shroud of Turin: Critical Remarks - Abstract - Video - by Diana Fulbright and Paolo Di Lazzaro (USA and Italy)
Biophotonic Hypothesis of the Turin Shroud (Paper) - PowerPoint Presentation - Abstract - Video - by Tony Fleming, P.E. (Australia)
About the Second Image of Face Detected on the Turin Shroud (Paper) - Abstract - by Giulio Fanti and Roberto Maggiolo (Italy) - (Read by Joseph G. Marino)
The Halo Around the Head in the Image of the Man on the Shroud (Paper) - PowerPoint Presentation - Abstract - Video - by Petrus Soons, M.D. (Panama) - (Read by Rev. Peter Schumacher)
Study of Shroud Feature Evidence Using Video and Photogrammetric Analysis Methods (Paper) - PowerPoint Presentation - Abstract - Video - by Rev. Peter Schumacher (USA)
Charge Separation as the Mechanism for Image Formation on the Shroud of Turin (Paper) - Abstract - Video - by Daniel Spicer, Ph.D. and Edward Toton, Ph.D. (USA)
The Alpha-Particle Irradiation Hypothesis - Part 1- Entering St. John’s Gospel (PowerPoint Presentation) - Abstract - by Robert Villarreal (USA) - Completion of: The Alpha-Particle Irradiation Hypothesis (Paper) - This paper was accepted by the organizers, but due to time restraints, was not presented at the conference.
The Alpha-Particle Irradiation Hypothesis: Solving the Mystery of the Shroud (PowerPoint Presentation) - Abstract - Video (This presentation starts about 17 minutes into the video) - by Robert Villarreal (USA)
Using the Shroud of Turin Website (PowerPoint Presentation) - Abstract - Video - by Barrie Schwortz (USA)
The Raymond Rogers Computer Archive (Paper) - Abstract - PowerPoint Presentation - by Charles Mader, Ph.D. (USA) - Link to author's videos: (which were presented on DVD since the author could not attend) - The author also submitted a Poster titled, The Weave of the Shroud of Turin (Paper) - PowerPoint Presentation - which was displayed prominently in the auditorium throughout the conference.
New Discoveries on the Sudarium of Oviedo (Paper) - Abstract - Video - by César Barta, et al. (Spain) - (Read by Carlos Molina)
The Mandylion or the story of a man-made relic (Paper in English) - Le Mandylion Ou l’Histoire d’Une Relique Faite de Main-d’Homme (Paper in French) - PowerPoint Presentation - Abstract - Video - by Sébastien Cataldo (France) - Sébastien has also provided us with his presention in formats designed for mobile devices in both English and French, so we are including them here: English e-pub Format - English mobi Format - French e-pub Format - French mobi Format. [Editor's Note: These files can also be opened on your computer if you have the appropriate e-book reader software installed. It turns out that Sébastien is in the business of converting materials to e-books professionally and can be reached via his French language website: He also graciously converted the Premiere issue of Shroud Spectrum International to both formats so we could make them available freely on].
From the Mandylion to the Shroud (Paper) - Abstract - PowerPoint Presentation - Video - by Ivan Polverari (Italy) - (Read by Michela Marinelli) - Michela also read Greetings from Rex Morgan (Australia) and Fr. Stanislaus Mutajwaha (Tanzania)
A Dozen Years of Shroud Science Group (Paper) - Abstract - Video - by Giulio Fanti (Italy) - (Special Presentation read by Joseph G. Marino)
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Saturday, October 11, 2014
The prodigious painting "From the Impression of Jesus" (Paper) - Abstract - PowerPoint Presentation - Video - by Veronica Piraccini (Italy) - (Translated by Michela Marinelli) - The Painting On Display
Theology of the Shroud (7 Secrets of the Sacred Shroud) (PowerPoint Presentation) - Abstract - Video - by Russ Breault (USA)
Nazah: The Unveiling of a Hidden Purpose for the Shroud (Paper) - Abstract - by Rev. Kenneth E. Stevenson (USA) - This paper was accepted by the organizers but Ken was unable to attend so it was not presented at the conference.
Further Evaluation of the Radiocarbon Samples - Video - by Pam Moon (England) - (Special Unscheduled Presentation) - Since there is no paper or abstract available, we are including a link to Pam's Shroud of Turin Exhibition website where all the materials she discussed are available online, along with a short note Pam sent to Russ Breault describing her presentation:
The presentation, ably assisted by Barrie Schwortz downloading online material, looked at the douse water damage to the Shroud from the 1532 fire and suggests the corners were unravelled. It examined some of the key findings of the report by Donna Campbell from Thomas Ferguson Irish Linen regarding the Oxford sample photographs: notably stain and stitch and the lack of uniformity across the sample. It showed the small black thread identified by Donna Campbell and then looked at the three different sewing stitches visible on the Oxford sample and compared them with the two large threads seen on the Arizona sample photographs taken by Barrie Schwortz. With thanks to Joe Marino for allowing the presentation at short notice. Such a privilege to be at the conference - I am very grateful. Pam
The Shekinah Glory of the Lord and the Shroud of Turin (Paper) - Abstract - Video - by David Onysko (USA)
A Galatian Sojourn of the Shroud of Turin? Pollen, Paul, and a Public Portrayal of Christ (Paper) - Abstract - Video - by Frederick Baltz, M.D. (USA)
Remarks from Conference Committee Member - by Laura Clark (USA) - Laura's remarks can be found at the beginning of the Mark Antonacci video below.
Scientists and Semantics (Paper) - Abstract - Video - by Mark Antonacci (USA)
Shroud, Science and Faith: Dialogue or Conflict? (Paper) - Abstract - Video - by Prof. Bruno Barberis (Italy) - (Special Presentation)
Science and the Mysteries of the Shroud - Keynote Address - Video - by Most Rev. Michael Sheridan, Bishop of Colorado Springs (USA)
The Future of Research on the Shroud (Paper) - Abstract - Video - by Prof. Bruno Barberis (Italy) - (Special Presentation)
MCNP Analysis of Neutrons Released from Jesus’ Body in the Resurrection (PowerPoint Presentation) - PowerPoint Narration - Abstract - Video - by Robert Rucker (USA)
Hypothesis that Explains the Shroud’s Unique Blood Marks and Several Critical Events in the Gospels - Abstract - Video - by Art Lind, Ph.D. and Mark Antonacci (USA)
A critical (Re)evaluation of the Shroud of Turin blood data: strength of evidence in the characterization of the bloodstains (Paper) - PowerPoint Presentation - Abstract - Video (Due to technical issues we could not capture the conclusion of this talk) - by Kelly Kearse, Ph.D. (USA) - (Special Presentation)
The Hypotheses About the Roman Flagrum: Some Clarifications (Paper) - Abstract - Video - by Flavia Manservigi and Enrico Morini (Italy)
Joseph M. Gambescia, M.D. and the Position of the Feet on the Shroud of Turin. The History of an Investigation (Paper) - Abstract - by Paul C. Maloney (USA)
Portrait from the Turin Shroud - An Artist's Study of the Shroud Image (Presentation script) - Abstract - PowerPoint Presentation - Video - by Roger Basset (USA)
ADDENDUM to Portrait from the Turin Shroud - An Artist's Study of the Shroud Image - by Roger Basset (USA) - January 2018
Open Discussion: Future Testing of the Shroud - Video - (Moderated by John Jackson) (USA)
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Sunday, October 12, 2014
Opening Remarks - by Joseph G. Marino (USA)
Modern Scholarship and the History of the Shroud of Turin (Paper) - Abstract - Video - by Jack Markwardt (USA) (Special Presentation)
The Full-Length History of the Turin Shroud - Abstract - Video - by Jack Markwardt (USA)
The Shroud and the iconography of Christ (Paper in English) - La Sindone e l’iconografia di Cristo (Paper in Italian) - Abstract - PowerPoint Presentation - Video - by Emanuela Marinelli (Italy)
Constantinople Documents as Evidence of the Shroud in Edessa - Abstract - Video - by Daniel C. Scavone, Ph.D. (USA)
Remembering Ray Rogers: A Personal Reflection On The Man And His Work (PowerPoint Presentation) - Abstract - Video - by Barrie Schwortz (USA)
The Shroud: A Critical Summary of Observations, Data and Hypotheses Version 2.0 (Link to latest version of the paper on - Abstract - Video - by Robert W. Siefker (USA)
Closing Remarks; End of Conference - Video - by Joseph G. Marino (USA)
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THURSDAY, October 9, 2014 --- FRIDAY, October 10, 2014 --- SATURDAY, October 11, 2014 --- SUNDAY, October 12, 2014
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