Shroud of Turin Books Online
(Selected books available directly from and other Internet resellers)
You can now order many titles online. Available books are clearly labeled and many include online reviews. Just click on the title link to go directly to the page where you can purchase the book.
Books are listed alphabetically, by title. The status of those titles available for purchase online is indicated where available. Just click on the title and follow the instructions for ordering. A link for each book available from and other resellers can also be found on the "Shroud Booklist" page of this site. Some books are classified as "Hard To Find" and may require waiting up to three months for delivery so I have only included a few in that category.
A Chemist's Perspective on the Shroud of Turin by Raymond N. Rogers (Available directly from in paperback, pdf download or e-book versions)
Raymond N. Rogers was the head of the chemistry experiments for the Shroud of Turin Research Project (STURP), the team of twenty-four researchers that performed the first ever in-depth scientific examination of the controversial relic in 1978. He was a professional chemist for fifty-two years and spent thirty-five years as a research chemist at Los Alamos National Laboratory, until his retirement in 1988.
A rigorous and empirical scientist, Rogers spent years working on the Shroud as a member of the STURP team. He continued his research after the STURP project concluded, but set his studies aside in frustration as unqualified "experts" presented what he considered poor quality and non-scientific "evidence" for the authenticity of the Shroud in the popular media. In the end however, new data came to light that prompted his return to Shroud research, even though he was in failing health.
In this book, Rogers shares with us his frank and often-unvarnished personal perspectives on his thirty year involvement in Shroud studies. He details his own research and backs it up with solid observations, chemical analysis and microscopy. He provides his own theory of the Shroud's image formation and his own opinion on its authenticity. He reveals many of the problems and politics he personally encountered while studying the Shroud and discusses the role of religion and science and how each has impacted Shroud research. Most importantly, he discusses the possible future for the Shroud itself.
Whether you are a qualified scientist searching for honest answers to serious questions, or simply someone casually interested in this fascinating relic, Rogers' unique perspective, straightforward style and in-depth knowledge will both inform and enlighten you.
Now available for immediate download as an e-book from in EPUB for Adobe Digital Editions Format or from this link at iTunes:
A Chemist's Perspective on the Shroud of Turin where you can view a preview or download the book directly into your Apple mobile device from the i-Bookstore.Paperback, 8½" x 11", 149 Pages
68 Color and Black & White Illustrations
Published by Barrie M. Schwortz
Publication Date: July 2008
ISBN: 978-0-6152-3928-6
Apologie pour le Suaire de Turin par deux scientifiques non croyants by André Cherpillod and Serge Mouraviev
(Vindication for the Turin Shroud by Two Non-Believing Scientists)
This is the first book ever written by non-believers demonstrating the authenticity of the Turin Shroud and explaining its images. Part One is an updated, somewhat enlarged and colorfully illustrated edition of Cherpillod's book, "L'Impossible Objet" (see Ian Wilson's review in the BSTS Newsletter 1997).
Part Two is a detailed description of Mouraviev's theory as published in "Applied Optics" vol. 36, no. 34, 1 December 1997, p. 8976-8981, which concludes that both images on the Shroud are caused by the natural and accidental interaction of solar rays and the spices used to anoint the body.
Part Three deals with the modern scientific, epistemological, philosophical and ethical implications of the authenticity of the Shroud.
Paperback, 235 pages
22 colour, 65 black & white illustrations
Public price: 40 Euro, $50.00 U.S.
Price by mail: 30 Euro, $40.00 U.S., including postage
Contact: S. Mouravieff
7, rue de la Paix,
F-74240 GAILLARD (France)
Tel./Fax: +33 4 50 31 38 56
Mobile: +41 79 433 19 24
The Blood and the Shroud: New Evidence that the World's Most Sacred Relic is Real (Available from by Ian Wilson, author of the 1978 bestselling book, "The Shroud of Turin." In this book, he presents new scientific evidence that challenges the 1988 carbon dating and other arguments against the authenticity of the Shroud. Current studies, presented here by Wilson, have reversed the views of many people in the scientific and religious communities. As stated in the book's brochure:
The discovery of human blood on the Shroud has ignited much of the new controversy. If the Shroud can be authenticated, as Wilson contends, then DNA testing of the blood would reveal a hitherto unimaginable amount of information about the body it once contained. Ironically, while the Church might be expected to be pleased with supportive findings that the image on the Shroud cannot be the result of a "cunning painting" as some have suggested, that is not altogether the case. Eighteen months ago, Cardinal Saldarini of Turin, the Pope's official custodian of the Shroud, formally requested the return of all Shroud samples on which any scientific work might be done.
Although the Texas scientists who have tested the blood samples for the presence of human DNA have insisted that they have insufficient DNA to determine parentage, for example, and still less for the many of any science-fiction-type 'clone' of Jesus, the Vatican authorities appear to be taking no chances. Clearly, the significance of any such DNA testing results hinges largely on the authenticity of the Shroud itself. Wilson describes the research that will play a critical role in this debate. In The Blood and the Shroud, he introduces information that points to the authenticity of the Shroud.
Hardcover, 320 pages
Published by Simon & Schuster
Publication date: April 1, 1998
ISBN: 0684853590
The Botany of the Shroud: The Story of Floral Images on the Shroud of Turin by Avinoam Danin
Avinoam Danin is Professor Emeritus at the Department of Evolution, Systematics, and Ecology at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. For more than 4 decades he has been involved in the identity and distribution of higher plants, microorganisms, other organisms and their relation to the environment. His research has been published in 5 books and 182 articles in English, 5 books and 247 articles in Hebrew, 1 bilingual book and 1 Italian book. Danin, a Jew, states that he is not a profound believer in any religion and also that he had no emotional feeling when he first saw the cloth, so is a very unbiased researcher. The book, which has many excellent color photographs, concludes, among other things, that images of plants that he saw on the Shroud are real and not created by any photographic method, the geographical origin of the plants can be restricted to the area between Jerusalem and Hebron, March-April is the time of year that some of the plants found on the Shroud are in bloom. Clearly, his findings would not preclude the Shroud's connection with Jesus.
Apart from the hard science, which includes appendices, tables, indices, and a glossary, Danin presents with an entertaining writing style various interesting anecdotes about his involvement in the research he has done on the Shroud. This is a book that should be in every sindonologist's library. (Synopsis Courtesy of Joe Marino)
Available from:
Council for Study of the Shroud of Turin
P.O. Box 3190
Durham, North Carolina 27715-3190 USA
Paperback, 104 pages
Published by Danin Publishing
Publication date: 2010
# ISBN-13: 978-96591520-0-1
The Challenge of the Shroud: History, Science and the Shroud of Turin (Available from by Mark Oxley
The book addresses the many challenges posed by the Shroud. If, for example, it really was the work of a 14th century forger, how did such a person, with the limited scientific knowledge of his time, produce an artifact that can still not be replicated or even explained by 21st century science? If the Shroud is evidence of an event that could be called supernatural - the resurrection of a dead man - what does this imply for scientists studying it|? If the Shroud is evidence of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, what are the implications of this for those who do not believe that Jesus Christ was the Son of God or that he was anything but a rural Jewish teacher? What are the challenges facing researchers and theologians today both in preserving the Shroud and in carrying out further scientific research? The book is in three main parts - a complete review of the history of the Shroud - both known and speculated; a study of crucifixion as a method of execution and its relationship to the image and markings on the Shroud; and a review of the scientific studies carried out on the Shroud over the past century, together with the various hypotheses that have been advanced as to how the image was formed. The book concludes with some suggestions as to how conflicting demands for preservation of the Shroud and for further scientific studies can be reconciled and carried forward. Is the Shroud the genuine burial cloth of Jesus Christ? This question is left to the reader to answer.
Also available directly from the publisher at this link:
Hardcover, 348 pages
Published by AuthorHouse
Publication date: April 19, 2010
# ISBN-10: 1452000093
# ISBN-13: 978-1452000091
The Coming of the Quantum Christ by John C. Klotz
For the last three years, a number of us in the Shroud world have been working with and advising John Klotz as he researched, developed and ultimately wrote this book. At times it was probably an arduous journey for him as he dug down deep into the subject of the Shroud and found himself on some unexpected paths. But it was his patience and dedication to getting it right that made the time working with him worthwhile. In the end, I think it was a great journey of discovery for John and I am sure the reader will find that reflected in this excellent book.
In early October 2014, John released the book (see our October 5, 2014 article for details), but only in several e-book formats, so it would be available in time for the St. Louis Conference taking place later that month. John has now completed preparing the print version, which is available directly from CreateSpace. The profusely illustrated book is also now available in a wide range of e-book and other digital formats (like pdf, text or html) via the Smashwords website.
Also, here is a link to the "Virtual Flyleaf" John has provided for the book and a link to John's blog page.
E-book - 465 print pages
File Size - 2466KB
Publisher - John C. Klotz
October 2014 (Print version January 2015)
Cosa vuoi sapere sulla Sindone? by Emanuela and Maurizio Marinelli
This Italian language book is presented in a question and answer format and includes clear explanations to most of the questions asked about the Shroud over the centuries. Exhaustive in its content, it is a small but important manual for anyone interested in precise information about the Shroud mystery. It is available directly from the publisher for £ 14.000.
Paperback, 159 Pages
10153 TORINO
Phone: +39-11-836744
FAX: +39-11-888831
No longer available online.
The Crucifixion of Jesus: A Forensic Inquiry (Available from by Frederick T. Zugibe (previously titled "The Cross and the Shroud").
Dr. Zugibe retired in 2004 after 34 years as the Medical Examiner of Rockland County, New York. His 50+ year in-depth research into the Shroud of Turin and the effects of crucifixion on the human body has made him the acknowledged forensic expert on the subject. In this long awaited update to his first book, The Cross and the Shroud, originally published in 1982, Dr. Zugibe challenges the conclusions of Dr. Pierre Barbet, the first researcher to evaluate the image on the Shroud from a medical point of view (See "A Doctor at Calvary" below). Although he and Barbet agree on the authenticity issue, they disagree on the specific pathology of crucifixion, particularly as evidenced on the Shroud. In this newly updated edition, Dr. Zugibe reviews all of the forensic evidence, including his latest research and the evidence supporting his theory that the Man of the Shroud was washed before being wrapped in the cloth. He also provides a detailed and up-to-the-minute overview of the most current research being done by other Shroud scientists (including Ray Rogers).
Hardcover: 352 pages
Over 100 Photographs and Illustrations
Published by M. Evans and Company
Publication date: Late March 2005
ISBN: 1590770706
The DNA of God? (Available from by Dr. Leoncio A. Garza-Valdes with an introduction by Ian Wilson
In 1988, radiocarbon dating showed that the Shroud of Turin could not be from the time of Jesus but was of a more recent origin. What scientists did not know at that time is that an organic "bioplastic coating" is created over time on ancient textiles, including the Shroud itself. The author claims that this coating, which he first discovered on Mayan artifacts, so distorts the carbon dating process that objects such as the Shroud are actually significantly older than they were thought to be.
Many in the scientific community have hailed Dr. Garza-Valdes' findings as significant for archaeologists around the world. For those interested in the mysterious history of the Shroud, it may again be possible to regard it as orginating in the first century. This book is the fascinating story of Garza-Valdes' journey of discovery and the secrets he may have uncovered about the Shroud of Turin.
Hardcover, 256 pages
Published by Doubleday
Publication date: May 1999
ISBN: 0385488505
A Doctor at Calvary ("Back Ordered" by Dr. Pierre Barbet, a classic in Shroud Literature, is available in a hardcover edition. An ad in the August 11, 1997 issue of National Review (pg. 23) says the following:
What the Gospels don't reveal about Christ's sufferings, science does.
The results of a renowned surgeon's unprecedented research into the physical sufferings of Our Lord--about which the Gospels reveal only the barest essentials--are collected in this mind-opening book. Dr. Pierre Barbet, writing in the early 1950s, relied heavily on his close analysis of the Shroud of Turin to re-create every stage of the Passion with precision and detail. The result: a minor classic of spirituality--by a layman. Back in print after 40 years, the book discusses, among much...*The painful hemorrhaging phenomenon which corresponds to Jesus' sweating "drops of blood"
*Evidence that Christ received more than the customary number of blows during the scourging
*The "flagrum" used for scourging
*The crown of thorns: more like a cap cutting into the head at very part
*Did Christ simply drag the Cross to Calvary, as is typically depicted? Evidence suggests otherwise
*Countless medically accurate details on the Shroud that no medieval artist could have forged, or even know about
*Were Christ's feet nailed separately, or one over the other?
*Why his violent thirst?
*The determining cause of Christ's death: asphyxia after prolonged struggleHardcover
Published by Roman Catholic Books
Publication date: September 1993
ISBN: 091214104216 photographs and illustrations accompany Dr. Barbet's text. Copies are also available by writing directly to:
Roman Catholic Books
P.O. Box 2286
Ft. Collins, CO
The Double Images On The Shroud Of Turin: A Medical Inquiry Into The Crucifixion by Nicolo Cinquemani, originally published by Edizioni Giovinezza, Rome, Italy, 1995, this is a revised 1997 edition.
This book, published in both English and Italian editions, presents the theory that there is a double image on the Shroud of Turin. One caused by "...blood clots showing the position of the body in the hours immediately after death..." and the other "... due to dehydration and oxidation of the cellulose caused by radiation."
The book can be obtained for US$10.00 (including air freight) by sending an international money order to:
Nicolo Cinquemani
Via dei Laghi, 19
00043 Ciampino, ROMA, ITALY
Be sure to include your complete postal address and specify English or Italian version.
(Italian version not shown)
El Misterio de la Sábana Santa, Imagen de la Resurrección by Jorge E. Grau Carreño and Guillermo Ponzinibbio, published by Editorial Bonum, Buenos Aires, Argentina, in November 1998. En Español
This 15x21cm 112 page Spanish language book includes 16 full color and 18 black & white photographs. Price is US$10.00. Main themes covered in the book include:
History, from Constantinopla to Torino
The Shroud and Science
The Shroud and C-14
Copies of the Shroud
Medicine and the Shroud
The Shroud and the Catholics
Messages from the ShroudFor more information or to purchase a copy of this book, contact Agustin Ponzinibbio directly via e-mail at
The Enigma of the Shroud - A Challenge to Science by Orazio Petrosillo and Emanuela Marinelli, published by Publishers Enterprises Group (PEG) Ltd., San Gwann, Malta, 1996.
Publication date was Easter 1996. The 260 page book can be ordered directly from the publisher for US$20.00 including shipping and handling by sending a check made payable to:
Publishers Enterprises Group (PEG) Ltd.
Emanuel Debattista
Managing Director
P.E.G. Building
UB7 Industrial Estate
San Gwann SGN 09, Malta
Tel: +356-440083, 448539
Fax: +356-488908
E-mail:"The authors... have carried out an investigation covering all the facts concerning the Carbon-14 dating. ...Without prejudice or partiality it reveals the 'oddities' and 'irregularities' in the 1988 Carbon-14 test."
Evidence of the Crucifixion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ by Simon Brown
This new work by our good friend Simon Brown includes a comprehensive collection of data gathered by a virtual Who's Who of Shroud researchers, including Ray Rogers, Raymond J. Schneider, Russ Breault, Mark Guscin, Peter Shumacher, Joe Marino and Sue Benford, César Barta, Dr. Eugenia Nitowski, Dr. Joseph A. Kohlbeck and many more. Here is a brief description from Amazon:
"What and who is in this book? Nothing But, Facts, Proof, evidence, Peer Reviewed scientific papers & links to 100’s of articles to the best researchers in the world."
Paperback: 266 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; Lrg edition (August 19, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1515296601
ISBN-13: 978-1515296607
Follow The Light: The Shroud's Revelations by T. C. Newman
We listed T. C. Newman's book on the website in 2013 when it was first published. Since then it has gone on to become a First Place Winner at the CIPA EVVY Book Awards, held in Denver, CO, August 23, 2014 and garner an Honorable Mention in the Readers' Favorite Christian - Non-Fiction category in their 2015 International Book Award Contest, so we thought it was worth mentioning again. Our congratulations to T. C. Newman!
File Size: 873 KB
Print Length: 116 pages
Publisher: T. C. Newman; 3 edition (July 4, 2013)
Publication Date: July 4, 2013
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
Language: English
The Holy Shroud by Bruno Barberis
This is an English language translation of Bruno's 2010 Italian language book La Sindone. This book was written in a very simple and clear style, obviously with younger readers in mind. It includes scores of beautiful color and black & white photographs and illustrations that review Shroud history, art and science. It even includes a large, foldout color photograph of the Shroud. Bruno gave me a copy when we were together at the Panama Congress and I was immediatly impressed with the beautiful little book. The link I have included is to the publisher's website where the book is listed in Italian. However, it indicates that the English version is also available.
48 pages + foldout photographs
Full color and black & white plates
Editrice VELAR
Gorle, Belgium
ISBN: 978-88-01-04519-2
Il Graal e la Sindone by Antonio Lombatti
This book reveals what the Shroud and the Grail are not! This is a scholarly work, and includes the first complete and accurate genealogical table of Geoffroi de Charny. In it, the author discloses his theory on where this French knight acquired the Shroud.
200 pages
7 black & white plates
Mondadori Publishing
Milan, 1998
ISBN: 8804447354
Inquest on the Shroud of Turin (Available from by Joe Nickell
Joe Nickell is a full time Shroud skeptic who generally writes for the popular press. In this book, Mr. Nickell explains his reasons for believing that the Shroud of Turin is a hoax, manufactured in medieval times to lure pilgrims to the Church. Discounting most of the scientific research that suggests the Shroud is authentic, he provides the reader with an interesting, yet highly skeptical point of view.
New update Edition
Paperback, 186 pages
Published by Prometheus Books
Publication date: September 1, 1987
ISBN: 087975396X
The Jesus Conspiracy: The Turin Shroud and the Truth About the Resurrection (Available from by Holger Kersten & Elmar R. Gruber
In 1988, the Shroud of Turin was carbon-dated and declared a forgery. But this suspenseful study not only concludes that the Shroud is genuine, but that Jesus was still alive when laid in the tomb. Is the Church supporting the forgery theory to preserve the doctrine that Jesus died on the cross? Photos.
Reprint Edition
Published by Element
Publication date: May 1, 1995
Dimensions (in inches): 9.19 x 5.98 x 1.09
ISBN: 1852306661
Judgement Day for the Turin Shroud (Special Order from by Walter McCrone, noted Shroud researcher and founder of the McCrone Research Institute, is now available.
"In nearly 350 pages with 11 color plates and 68 figures, Dr. McCrone covers the details of Shroud research since 1969. He emphasizes the work he did, contrasts it with the STURP approach, and details the reaction of the Catholic Church through his long correspondence with Father Peter Rinaldi in Turin. Dr. McCrone's conclusion, in a nutshell, is that the "Shroud" is a beautiful painting consisting only of red ochre, vermillion and collagen tempera applied by a talented artist in 1355. There is no blood on the "Shroud"."
The book is also available directly from Microscope Publications, the publishing arm of the McCrone Research Institute, for $36. Shipping charges will be added. You may contact the McCrone Research Institute directly to order:
McCrone Research Institute
Microscope Publications
2820 S. Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL 60616-3292
Phone: 312-842-7100
Fax: 312-842-1078
La Gran Alianza Cristico-Científica by Anna Ferrer Iñareta
In this Spanish language book, author Anna Ferrer discusses the need to join science and religion in the study of the Shroud. She concentrates on gathering and relating all the proofs that scientific research have given us, from the first photographic negative to the latest proof modern techniques allow. She sites the work of Dr. Rinaldo, biophysicist of the Nuclear Medicine Services of Montpellier, who studied the effects of proton irradiation on linen cloth. He observed images with analogous nature to the Shroud and concluded that neutron irradiation artificially increased the amount of radioactive carbon, thereby explaining the carbon date obtained in 1988. The relationship between Dr. Rinaldo's results and the earlier theories that the formation of the image seemed to be caused by a burst of radiation from the body itself, leads the author to conclude that nuclear decay was produced releasing protons that would imprint the image on the linen and neutrons that would increase the amount of C-14. She concludes that we can explain the event called "The Jesus Christ Resurrection" as a quantic phenomenon. The book is available for US$11.00 plus US$1.00 shipping charges directly from:
Jordi Batalla (servicio telemático)
Ctra. Comarcal 251, km 12,5.
08450 - Llinars del Valles, Barcelona, Spain
Telephone: 93.841.21.72
Fax: 93.841.22.77
La Sainte Tunique D'Argenteuil Face A La Science (The Holy Tunic of Argenteuil - Face To Science ) Edited by Francois-Xavier de Guibert
This book is the printed proceedings of the international colloquium of the same title, held on November 12th, 2005, at Argenteuil near Paris, France. The conference was organized by the study group COSTA (UNEC), Argenteuil. In the book, 15 authors explain their views on the Holy Tunics of Christ, basically the one conserved since the year 800 at Argenteuil, but also the one conserved in Georgia/Caucasus.
The book has a foreword by John Jackson. One chapter also deals with the up-to-date situation of the Holy Shroud face to Science by Marcel Alonso of Cielt. Another very interesting paper (of 70 pages) is dedicated to a scientific analysis of the C14 tests, mainly on the Tunic of Argenteuil and the Shroud of Turin, and their practical inapplicability to such Relics, by Mrs Marie Claire van Oosterwyck. Mrs Rebecca Jackson presents an interesting paper on the Jewish habits in the first century. Finally, Professor Gerard Lucotte presents his analysis of the blood stains on the Holy Tunic, and Claude Jacquet gives a very interesting up-to-date comparison of the blood and DNA tests made on the 3 main Relics of Jesus Christ: Turino, Oviedo and Argenteuil. Other papers show various aspects of the long history of the Holy Tunic. 235 pages, including many figures and photographs, Dec. 2006, at the price of 22 Euro (or 27 USD, plus transportation cost if it applies). You can order this book (for the moment only available in French language) directly from the publisher:
Editor: Francois-Xavier de Guibert,
3 rue Jean-François Gerbillon,
75006 Paris, France
ISBN: 2-7554-0063-3
La Sindone - Storia di un enigma by Emanuela Marinelli and Orazio Petrosillo
"Is the Shroud the real burial cloth that wrapped Christ's body or, as the scientists who subjected some samples to radiocarbon dating in 1988 claim, is it only a medieval fake? Is it a relic - the most venerable of the Christian faith - or a mere sacred image, however admirable and surprisingly precise?
"Men of faith, historians and scientists have asked these questions for centuries. In this book, the authors provide the most up-to-date and well-balanced synthesis of this knowledge by surveying the research of sindonologists from every field of science. Only the joint contribution of archaeologists, doctors, biologists, anthropologists, chemists, experts in numismatics and photography, biblical exegetes and specialists in many other disciplines can provide all the necessary elements to understand this unique object.
"This year, as the Shroud is again offered for the veneration of believers, this well documented and exciting book will become as indispensable to those who search the science for a confirmation of their faith as it will to those simply wanting to peer deeper into a great and unsolved mystery".
This book is available directly from the publisher:
RCS Libri & Grandi Opere SpA
Via Mecenate 91
Phone: +39-2-50951 - Fax: +39-2-5065361
La Sindone - Un'immagine Impossibile by noted Shroud researcher Emanuela Marinelli. It is published in Italian by Edizioni San Paolo - Cinisello Balsamo (MI), costs £it. 22.000, and has 160 pages with many color pictures. It was released on October 15, 1996 and copies of the book are available directly from:
10153 TORINO
Phone: +39-11-836744
FAX: +39-11-888831
This book is a new issue with all new material. It presents, in a simple way, all of the various themes about the Shroud of Turin. It is up to date and includes the latest news on all the scientific arguments.
The Mysteries of the Shroud by Caspar von Uffhofen
The book is free and available online in html, pdf and e-book formats. Here is a brief description by the author:
"Following a summary of all available information on the Internet about the Shroud, the author discusses the place of God in the contemporary world."
E-book - Various Formats
Publisher - Assailly Editions
The Mysterious Image by Agnès Lozier, Illustrations by Antoine Storez
This book was written and designed specifically for children and was approved by Cardinal Severino Poletto, former Archbishop of Turin. Here is a brief description from the publisher's website:
"Max and his cousins go to Italy to see the exhibition of the Holy Shroud of Turin. Father Joseph shows them the latest scientific studies about it, that could help them to identify the man who was crucified and whose picture was printed on the Shroud. It is an opportunity to think about the mystery of suffering and the Christian sense of sacrifice."Included with the book is a glossary to understand the difficult words and 3D glasses to view the included anaglyphic image.Paperback - 68 pages
Published by Librim
Publication date: 2012
The Mysterious Shroud ("Hard To Find" by Ian Wilson & Vernon Miller
In this large, heavily illustrated book, Ian Wilson provides the reader with the latest scientific information available circa 1986. Contains many color and black & white photographs.
Published by Doubleday
Publication date: April 1986
ISBN: 0385190743
The Mystery of the Shroud of Turin: New Scientific Evidence (Available from by John C. Iannone
"Is the Shroud of Turin the ancient burial cloth of Jesus Christ or a clever medieval hoax on the part of Leonardo da Vinci? What did the recent Carbon-14 tests prove or disprove? How may the Holy Shroud and the Holy Grail be related? What did the DNA tests show regarding the apparent blood stains on the Shroud? How were the mysterious images on the Shroud created? These are just a few of the many intriguing questions that John C. Iannone addresses in this thoroughly researched study. This book reads like a mystery novel or detective story that includes emperors and kings, crusaders and knights, warrior monks, the Great Fire of 1532 and much more." Includes many color and black & white photographs.
Paperback - 228 pages
Published by Alba House
Publication date: April 1998
ISBN: 0818908041
Call: 1-800-343-2522 (Ask for Operator 2)
Fax: 1-718-698-8390
The Oviedo Cloth by Mark Guscin
Thousands know of the controversy surrounding the Turin Shroud, but few in the English-speaking world have heard of the Oviedo Cloth. It too is a possible relic of Jesus' burial, and the marks on the Shroud and the Cloth (which is thought to have been wrapped around Jesus' head) are consistent with each other. Yet the Oviedo Cloth has been in Spain since the beginning of the seventh century, and so provides an additional reason to question the carbon dating of the Turin Shroud to the fourteenth century.
This book is an original analysis of the Oviedo Cloth as an object of interest in its own right. Mark Guscin examines the claims for the authenticity of the Cloth, both scientific and historical. His treatment of the Turin Shroud and the new evidence his book provides will complement the impressive array of Shroud literature.
Paperback - 128 pages
Publisher: The Lutterworth Press
P.O. Box 60
Cambridge, CB1 2NT, England
Phone: +44 (0) 1223-350865
Fax: +44 (0) 1223-366951
Website: (Select "Search" and enter "Oviedo")
Publication date: April 1998
Color cover/15 black & white illustrations
ISBN: 0718829859
Portrait of Jesus: The Illustrated Story of the Shroud of Turin ("Hard To Find" by Frank C. Tribbe
A summary of the state of knowledge about the Shroud, circa 1982, with 80 photographs and discussions of other artifacts.
Published by Stein & Day
Publication date: July 1983
ISBN: 0812829042
The Rape of the Turin Shroud (Available from by William Meacham
Noted archaeologist and Shroud scholar William Meacham gives a frank and often critical accounting of what he calls "...the 'desecration' of the Shroud of Turin due to serious errors in its study and conservation. It is the story of how this relic, once the subject of worldwide curiosity and awe, with its haunting and still unexplained image of Christ, came to be wrongly dismissed as a medieval fake by the general public. And how it recently suffered major damage in an ill-advised and secretly executed "restoration" conducted for cosmetic and misguided conservation purposes." From its provocative title to its stinging criticisms of the Shroud's custodians, this book was sure to spark controversy and reveal a side of sindonology seldom seen by the public.
In fact, the controversy began almost immediately. In the book, Meacham quotes noted Shroud scholar Dr. John Jackson and criticizes Jackson's public response to the restoration of the Shroud during a press conference sponsored by the Turin authorities held in Turin in September 2002. The press conference was part of an invitation-only series of events sponsored by the Shroud's custodians, during which the large group of invited scientists and researchers were given an opportunity to view the "restored" Shroud for themselves and voice their opinions of the intervention. Upon seeing the quote and realizing that Meacham had omitted part of his response, Jackson wrote an open letter to a private, online Shroud science discussion group and provided them with the entire text of his original statement. In the interest of fairness I am also including it here: John Jackson's Response To William Meacham's Book. This was not the end of the discussion however, which continued over a number of additional e-mails between Jackson and Meacham. Since the debate became rather heated and somewhat personal, I ultimately decided not to publish it here. However, Meacham has posted his further responses on his personal website at this link: can now obtain a Kindle version from, a Nook version from Barnes & Noble or an e-Pub version from It is also available in the iBook format on the iBookstore (no link available).
Paperback - 277 pages
Published by Lulu Press
Publication date: November 2005
ISBN: 1411657691
A Book Review of "The Rape of the Turin Shroud" was posted on December 11, 2005 on by noted Shroud researchers Joe Marino and Sue Benford so I have reprinted it here as well.
Relic, Icon or Hoax? Carbon Dating the Turin Shroud (Available from by Harry E. Gove, Professor Emeritus of Physics, University of Rochester, USA. A fascinating and authoritative account of the application of accelerator mass spectrometry to the carbon dating of the Turin Shroud using samples only a few square centimetres in area and weighing only a few tens of milligrams. Harry Gove is a co-inventor of accelerator mass spectrometry and was responsible for its use in establishing whether the Turin Shroud could have been Christ's burial cloth.
Institute of Physics Publishing
Techno House, Redcliffe Way,
Bristol, BS1 6NX, England
336 pages/photographs throughout-8 full colour spreads
The book is also available in the U.S.A. directly from:
IOP Publishing
c/o AIDC
2 Wintersport Lane
PO Box 20
Williston, Vermont 05495-0020
Tel: 1-800 632 0880 or 1-802 862 0095
Fax: 1-802 864 7626
ISBN (0 7503 0398 0)."This is a fascinating and unusual book; it is a very personal memoir; and it provides a rare window into the sometimes surprising workings of both science and religion."
D. Allen Bromley, Professor of Science and Dean of Engineering, Yale University and President Elect of the American Physical Society"This extroadinary book recounts the drama and intrigues involved in carbon dating the Shroud of Turin with a frankness usually found only in the pages of a diary. Required reading."
Dorothy Crispino, Editor and Publisher, Shroud Spectrum International
Relics: The Shroud of Turin, the True Cross, the Blood of Januarius...History, Mysticism, and the Catholic Church (Available from by Joan Carroll Cruz
Paperback, 308 pages
Published by Our Sunday Visitor
Publication date: October 1984
ISBN: 0879737018Editor's Note: No other information is currently available on this title.
Report on the Shroud of Turin ("Hard To Find" by John H. Heller
The story of the Shroud of Turin Research Project (STURP), the team of 40 scientists that performed the first in-depth scientific examination of the Shroud in 1978. Dr. Heller joined the team upon their return from Turin, and worked closely with Dr. Alan Adler in performing the chemical analysis of the blood found on the cloth. Though the science is rigorous, Dr. Heller makes it both accessible and exciting to the general reader.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Co (Trd)
Publication date: June 1983
ISBN: 0395339677
Revelations In Art - Art History - Iconography by Michelina M. Le Margie
This beautifully produced and printed book with a leatherette cover includes 126 superbly reproduced high quality illustrations, mostly in color. Here is an excerpt from the Foreward:
"The focus of this book was on sources for the depiction of Christ in art. Study was concentrated on these specific areas: Whether or not there is a relationship between the features of Christ and/or the projection of the artist's image and whether there is a relationship between the features of Christ and the image seen on the Shroud of Turin... The method used for 'objectively' comparing the features of Christ with other works of art is known as the 'Polarized Image Overlay Technique.' This technique was effective in determining similarities or 'points of congruence' with artistic reproductions. Results of this image comparison and other results of the study are summarized in Part VI - Summary of Results."
Paperback: 146 pages
Publisher: ARGO ARTES GRAFICAS, S.A. (2015)
Language: English
ASIN: B01798P72G
Sacred Blood, Sacred Image - The Sudarium of Oviedo (New Evidence of the Authenticity of the Shroud of Turin) (Available from by Janice Bennett
(Excerpt from the back cover of the book): The Sudarium of Oviedo is an ancient, bloodstained cloth that was rescued from the Persian invasion of Jerusalem in 614 A.D. Believed to be the Sudarium of the Lord, it was hidden in a chest of relics and taken by sea to Spain. When the Moors invaded the country in 711, the Christians fled to the north with their relics, safeguarding their treasure in a well on the top of a mountain known as Monsacro. Fifty years later Oviedo became its permanent residence, and the cloth quickly began to acquire fame as word spread throughout medieval Europe. Is it the sudarium of Jesus mentioned in John 20:5-7, and can it finally prove the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin?
Libri de Hispania
P.O. Box 270262
Littleton, Colorado 80127-0005
ISBN 0-9705682-0-7
Publication Date: 2001
Sancta Sindone: The Shroud of Turin, a Special Investigative Report by Philip St. Vincent Brennan. This book is adapted from a ten-part series originally written as a special report for "Wednesday On The Web," an Internet magazine (http://www/ edited by the author and appearing weekly on the World Wide Web.
Copies of the book are available for $6.95 plus $1.00 postage and handling from:
Wednesday On The Web
23121 Boca Club Colony Circle
Boca Raton, FL 33433 USAI found the book to be very well written, easily understood and quite straightforward, a good encapsulization of the story of the Shroud.
The Second Coming: The Holy Shroud in the 20th Century, by Mark Fellows is now available. The 78 page booklet was originally published as a series of articles in the Catholic newspaper, "The Remnant". The introductory price is US$8.00 plus $1.00 postage and handling. Send check, money order, or your Visa or Mastercard number and expiration to:
The Remnant Bookstore
2539 Morrison Avenue
St. Paul, MN. 55117 U.S.A.No review is available at this time.
The Second Messiah: Templars, the Turin Shroud, and the Great Secret of Freemasonry (Available from by Christopher Knight & Robert Lomas
Read online reviews of this book at
Hardcover, 272 pages
Published by Element
Publication date: April 1, 1998
ISBN: 1862042489
The Shroud: A Guide to the Reading of an Image Full of Mystery by Lamberto Schiatti
This pictorial guide to the mystery of the famous Shroud of Turin has been put together to commemorate the two extraordinary upcoming exhibitions of this precious relic. It is a handy reference to the salient historical, scientific and legendary information regarding the Shroud. 38 pages, over 50 photographs, many in full color. The book is available directly from the publisher for US$3.95 plus shipping charges. To order contact:
Alba House
2187 Victory Blvd.
Staten Island, NY 10314
ISBN: 0818908173
Call toll free in U.S.: 800-343-ALBA (2522)
Ask for operator 2 (between 9:30 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. weekdays EST)
Call toll free In Canada: 800-668-2078
Fax Orders: 718-698-8390You can request books to be shipped COD, enclose payment or charge to Visa or Mastercard. Please include card number and expiration date with mail or fax orders. Shipping and handling charges on prepaid orders is US$4.25 for 1 to 3 books and US$4.95 for 4 to 9 books. Shipping charges on orders of 10 or more books will be invoiced to you. New York City and State residents must add appropriate sales tax.
The Shroud: The 2000-Year-Old Mystery Solved by Ian Wilson
Two decades after radiocarbon dating declared the Turin Shroud a mediaeval fake, brand-new historical discoveries strongly suggest that this famous cloth, with its extraordinary photographic imprint, is genuinely Christ's shroud after all.
In 1978 in his international bestseller The Turin Shroud Ian Wilson ignited worldwide public debate with his compelling case endorsing the shroud's authenticity. Now, 30 years later, he has completely rewritten and updated his earlier book to provide fresh evidence to support his original argument. Shroud boldly challenges the current post-radiocarbon dating view - that it is a fake. By arguing his case brilliantly and provocatively, Ian Wilson once more throws the matter into the public arena for further debate and controversy.
Paperback, 370 pages
Published by Bantam Press
Publication date: 12 March 2010
ISBN: 9780593063606
The Shroud of Turin; An Adventure of Discovery (Available from by Mary and Alan Whanger, is the story of the Whanger's twenty year involvement in Shroud research. As stated in the pre-publication press release:
In their new book... Mary and Alan Whanger chronicle their systematic study of the Shroud, which began in 1977 after seeing a photograph of the Shroud face. They had no preconceptions about its authenticity, but she, with a degree in Religion from Duke University and he, as a Professor Emeritus at Duke University Medical Center, although in unknown territory, conducted their research into the Shroud scientifically and with painstaking thoroughness and dedication.
The story of their research is a compelling adventure story of unimagined discoveries. Through the use of the Polarized Image Overlay Technique, invented by Dr. Whanger, never-seen-before images - coins and flowers, phylacteries and amulets, nails, spear dice and more - reveal their presence and provide evidence as to how and when the images were formed.
Overcoming their natural Protestant skepticism towards religious relics, the Whangers grew to believe in the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin. "We feel that the evidence is solid, if not always easy to see. The story of the progressive unfolding of the finding of these images and evidences is the subject of this book and the adventure which we now invite you to share."
Paperback, 160 pages
Published by Providence House Pub.
Publication date: March 1, 1998
ISBN: 1577360796
The Shroud of Turin: An Imprint of the Soul, Apparition, or Quantum Bio-Hologram by Chidambaram Ramesh
Ramesh has proposed a new theory that the mysterious image of the man on the Shroud is an imprint of the Quantum Self or Bio-Hologram. The author has attempted to explain the scientific causes of the image on the Shroud under the realm of quantum physics. By drawing a series of evidences from palingenesis (spectral resuscitation of plants out of their ashes), natural magic, quantum physics and the recent findings of morphogenetic fields, he has unequivocally established that all material body of organisms, even if consumed to ashes, retain their selfsame form and figure. Even parts of the body like blood, skin etc., are capable of forming the 3D geometrical structure of the host organism in its entirety, which is a quantum hologram in the modern scientific terminology. He has concluded that the effect of heat or light emanating from such macro-scale quantum holographic manifestation of the man on the Shroud could have had a ‘scorch-like’ effect on the Shroud fibres to imprint the mysterious image on it.
Paperback, 176 pages
Published by CinnamonTeal Publishing
Goa India, 2010
ISBN: 978-93-80151-55-7
The Shroud of Turin and the C14 Dating Fiasco (Special Order from by Thomas W. Case, with a Foreword by Fr. Frederick C. Brinkmann of the Holy Shroud Guild.
Thomas Case is a respected Washington-based science and religion journalist. He dedicated this book to the memory of the late Dr.John Heller, who, with Dr.Alan Adler, made a special study of the chemistry of the Shroud 'body image' and 'blood image' samples brought back by the STURP team in 1978. The book discusses the Shroud's body and blood images, and includes an analysis of the 1988 radiocarbon dating test. Case also provides the reader with a transcript of a tape-recorded interview with Drs.Heller and Adler, conducted in Connecticut on July 18, 1994. It probably is the last interview Dr.Heller gave before he died.
The book is immediately available from ASSIST for US$9.95 plus US$3.75 shipping and handling to addresses in the United States. Please write for overseas shipping rates. Requests should be sent to:
Paul C. Maloney
Office of General Projects Director
ASSIST Investigations Group
P.O. Box 334
Quakertown, PA, 18951 U.S.A.
1 Edition
Paperback, 104 pages
Published by White Horse Press
Publication date: April 1997
ISBN: 0964831015
The Shroud of Turin: Scientific Evidence That Jesus Raised From The Dead by Wayne Wright.
Wayne Wright graduated from Baylor University with a B.A. in religion in 1965, and graduated from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity degree in 1969. He has written a 30 page book that summarizes the pertinent information concerning the Shroud of Turin. This link takes you to the Share The Word Ministry website where you may download and read the book free. You may purchase the printed book for $5.50 or you may purchase a CD, that allows you to print as many copies as you want to be given away free. (Not To Be Sold) The cost of CD is $39.95. The Shroud Of Turin, Scientific Evidence That Jesus Christ Raised From The Dead is a wonderful evangelism tool to lead people to faith in Christ.
Wayne Wright
Share the Word Ministries, Inc.
PO Box 486
Piedmont, OK 73078 U.S.A.
Free Downloadable Single Copy pdf file
Printed Paperback, 30 pages
Published by Share the Word Publishing Co.
Publication date: September 2010
The Sign - The Shroud of Turin and the Secret of the Resurrection by Thomas de Wesselow
Here is a quote from the book's website: "BASED ON SEVEN YEARS OF METICULOUS RESEARCH, ‘THE SIGN’ PROVES THAT THE SHROUD OF TURIN IS AUTHENTIC. Long assumed to be a Medieval fake, the author provides conclusive evidence that The Shroud of Turin, the reputed burial cloth of Jesus, is in fact authentic. Using his experience as an art historian, the author proves that the image on the Shroud cannot possibly be a Medieval fake: the image does not match the style, technique or concepts of medieval imagery; it cannot be a painting or a rubbing; and, most crucially, it is a negative image, a fact only realized when it was first photographed in 1898."
As soon as the book was released it sparked controversy in the Shroud world. It was considered a great addition to Shroud knowledge in that de Wesselow truly is a medieval art expert, so his professional opinions are valuable. However, he also addressed a much more sensitive theological issue. Here is another quote from the book's website: "Christianity began when, after Jesus’s crucifixion, Jesus’s followers claimed to have seen him alive again. De Wesselow shows that this episode can only be understood if what they actually saw was something real but out of the ordinary, something so extraordinary that they interpreted it as a sign of resurrection. What they saw was the Shroud." Needless to say, this idea challenged the beliefs of many people and generated a strong media interest which in turn created a lot of buzz on the blogs.
Published by Viking
Publication date: March 26, 2012
ISBN: 978-0-670-92187-4
Sindon: A Layman's Guide to the Shroud of Turin (Available from by Frank O. Adams
A comprehensive survey of the historical, biblical and scientific evidence of the Shroud of Turin, circa 1982, in language that is unencumbered by scientific jargon.
Published by Patrick Walsh Press
Publication date: November 1982
ISBN: 0867000082
The Spanish Center for Sindonology (Centro Español de Sindonologia)
The Investigation Team of the Spanish Center for Sindonology (Centro Español de Sindonologia) has published three books (in Spanish), as part of the theological magazine "Biblia y Fe" (Bible and Faith). The first is all about the latest research on the Shroud and includes an article by Dr. John Jackson. The second is about the Sudarium of Oviedo and the third, which includes an article by Rebecca Jackson, is about Jerusalem and the Holy Sepulchre (i.e. archaeology). These books will be available directly from the center, which is accessible via the "Shroud Centers & Organizations" and "Links To More Information" pages of this website. Remember that their website is published in Spanish.
Test the Shroud (At the Atomic and Molecular Levels) by Mark Antonacci
Mark Antonacci's long awaited new book is now available online at (at the above links) or you can Order Direct via PayPal. Here is the online description:
"Mark Antonacci makes compelling arguments about many prominent points in Test the Shroud. His accurate description of all the unique features on the Shroud of Turin allows him to convincingly argue that this is the authentic burial cloth of Jesus Christ. He presents a very testable hypothesis that particle radiation emanating from the dead, crucified body wrapped within this burial cloth caused its unprecedented, full-length body images, its still-red blood marks, its erroneous carbon dating and so many other unforgeable features. He even describes advanced scientific testing techniques that could be applied to this burial cloth and its human bloodstains that could demonstrate whether a miraculous event actually occurred to this corpse; when it happened; where it happened; the actual age of the burial cloth and its blood stains, and the identity of the victim."
Hardcover: 502 pages
Publisher: LE Press, LLC; 1st edition (October 21, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-13: 978-0996430012
ASIN: 0996430016
The Three Cloths of Christ: The Emerging Treasures of Christianity (Available from by John Iannone
The Three Cloths of Christ: The Emerging Treasures of Christianity is an up-to-date (2010) scientific and historical study of three cloths revered in Christianity: The Holy Shroud of Turin; the Sudarium Christi (Face Cloth folded to one side in the Tomb) and the legendary Veronica Veil with the imprinted face of Jesus. The author, a student of the Holy Shroud for 32 years, provides a detailed evaluation in support of the authenticity of these cloths. A great reference work with comprehensive Author and Subject Index and Bibliography. Illustrated with 15 pages of Photos. A must read for modern information on the three cloths.
Paperback, 247 pages
Publication date: April 17, 2010
Language English
# ISBN-13: 978-0-557-29000-0
Published by North Star Production Studios, LLC
The Truth About the Shroud of Turin: Solving the Mystery (Available from by Robert Wilcox
In The Truth About the Shroud of Turin, investigative reporter Robert K.Wilcox - author of the successful Target: Patton - applies his investigative eye and compelling writing style to this mysterious artifact. Featuring new evidence and new chapters, The Truth About the Shroud of Turin offers new insight into this baffling mystery and offers compelling evidence that the shroud is the authentic burial shroud of Jesus Christ.
Paperback, 252 pages
Publication date: Revised edition March 9, 2010
Language English
# ISBN-10: 159698600X
# ISBN-13: 978-1596986008
Published by Regnery Publishing, Inc.
Washington, D.C.
The Turin Shroud and the Crystal Lens by Professor Nicholas Allen
In this book, Professor Allen proposes that the Shroud of Turin was manufactured in medieval times by an artist using a large camera obscura with a crystal lens. As part of the evidence for his "proto-photography" theory, he used medieval raw materials and created a very striking "photograph" on linen cloth, having properties similar to the image on the Shroud.
Paperback, 287 pages
Publication date: August 1998
Published by Empowerment Technologies Pty. Ltd.
P.O. Box 12982
Centrahil, Port Elizabeth, 6006
Eastern Cape, South Africa
Tel: +27 41 332603
Copies of this book may be obtained directly from the publisher. To order, send an e-mail to Nicholas Allen at the above address for pricing and shipping options.
The Turin Shroud Is Genuine: The Irrefutable Evidence (Special Order from by Rodney Hoare.
Hardcover, 188 pages
Published by Books Britain
Publication date: February 1, 1995
ISBN: 0285632019Editor's Note: No other information is currently available on this title. A synopsis or review would be welcome.
Unlocking the Secrets of the Shroud (Available from by Gilbert Lavoie, M.D., is the title of a new 224 page paperback book containing over 70 black & white and color illustrations. Written by a noted Shroud researcher, it is published by Thomas More Press of Allen, Texas. ISBN: 0-88347-907-9. Product No. 7395. Also available is a companion 30 minute video with the same title.
The brochure for the book says:
"Dr. Lavoie takes the reader on a 20-year medical and scriptural search into the meaning of the blood marks and image on the Shroud of Turin. Some ot the discoveries he discusses revolve around the pollen spores clinging to the fibers of the Shroud, the origin of the Shroud, the chemical composition of the fibers, the blood marks on the Shroud, the image itself, the position of the blood stains and the image, the scriptural references that support his findings and the controversial carbon dating process done on the Shroud. His studies conclude that this Shroud did indeed cover a crucified man, that the image and the blood stains are separate events and that the accuracy of the carbon dating process...needs to be questioned. This book (and the accompanying video) will bring the reader to look at the Shroud in an entirely new way and re-examine any preconceived notions about the authenticity of the Shroud!"For more information about the book or video you can call the publisher's toll free number at 1-800-822-6701 or contact the publisher directly by e-mail at
Paperback, 224 pages
Published by Thomas More Press
Publication date: February 1998
ISBN: 088347395X
The Vatican Prophecies by John Thavis
This fascinating and thoroughly researched book includes an entire chapter dedicated to the Shroud of Turin (Chapter Three - The Sacred Image).
"From the New York Times bestselling author of The Vatican Diaries, a fascinating behind-the-scenes look at how the Vatican investigates claims of miraculous events."
"The process by which these supernatural events are authenticated is expertly told by John Thavis, one of the world’s leading Vaticanologists. In fact, that a book on so secretive and complex a topic is so deeply researched, beautifully written, and artfully told is something of a small miracle itself."—James Martin, S.J., author of Jesus: A Pilgrimage
Hardcover: 288 pages
Publisher: Viking (September 15, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0525426892
ISBN-13: 978-0525426899
Witnesses to Mystery (Available from by Grzegorz Gorny and Janusz Rosikon
We first featured the Polish language edition of this book in 2012 and are happy to bring you the new English language edition in 2013. The entire first chapter deals with the Shroud of Turin and includes many beautifully reproduced photographs from the STERA, Inc. archives. Later chapters go on to examine and investigate many other relics, including the Sudarium of Oviedo, the Tunic of Argenteuil, and the Manopello. In fact, the authors spent several years researching, writing and traveling across Europe to make the photographs for the book. Grzegorz Gorny is a well known Polish journalist and author and the book is lavishly illustrated with professional photographer Janusz Rosikon's beautiful color photographs. The high quality reproduction of the beautiful photographs makes this a worthy addition to any collection.
Hardbound, 336 pages
Ignatius Press (October 22, 2013)
Language English
ISBN-13: 978-1586178444
Wrapped Up In The Shroud, Chronicle of a Passion by Joseph G. Marino (Revised and updated from the original 2011 version on May 13, 2020)
Joseph G. Marino, in Wrapped Up in the Shroud: Chronicle of a Passion (revised and updated from the 2011 original version), recounts his youthful life focused somewhat aimlessly on sports, followed by a growing interest in religion and eventually, the Shroud of Turin. Out of this arose a sense of purpose that drew him to a profession as a Catholic monk. Through his all-absorbing interest in the Shroud, he met a beautiful young woman equally entranced by the enigmatic cloth and made the gut-wrenching decision to leave religious life to be with her. Working together, Mr. Marino and his wife, M. Sue Benford, co-authored several articles postulating a medieval re-weave as the probable cause of the unexpected and aberrant medieval date of the l988 radiocarbon testing. Their hypothesis was confirmed by a Los Alamos chemist, the late Raymond N. Rogers, who published his findings in a peer-reviewed academic journal.
The memoir takes a poignant turn when Benford is diagnosed with a fast-growing cancer. Providing a valuable bonus for serious devotees of the Shroud, Marino makes available for the first time, much significant previously unpublished material, including private correspondence from several key Shroud scientists, including Rogers and the infamous skeptic, the late Walter McCrone.
Paperback: 440 pages
Publisher: Bowker Identifier Services (May 13, 2020)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1734813024
ISBN-13: 978-1734813029